Tänä vuonna vuosiäänestyksen osallistujamäärä jäi hieman viimevuotisesta: 311 äänestäjää jakoi 2012 ääntä yhteensä 655 pelille. Viimeinen luku on uusi ennätys: koskaan ennen näin moni eri peli ei ole saanut ääniä.
Tämän vuoden voittajasta ei ollut missään vaiheessa pienintäkään epäselvyyttä. Terraforming Mars on suomalaisten peliharrastajien ykkössuosikki ja sen kanssa viime vuonna ykkössijasta kilpaillut Gloomhaven jäi tänä vuonna vauhdista jo alusta pitäen sen verran, että voittaja oli selvillä lähes välittömästi.
Onneksi vuosiäänestyksessä on paljon muutakin kiinnostavaa kuin voittaja.
Paras uusi tulokas löytyy sijalta 12, josta vastaan tulee Wingspan. Tämä ei liene kenellekään suurikaan yllätys. Wingspanille veikkaan hyvää tulosta myös ensi vuodelle, kun pelin saatavuus tästä vielä paranee. Seuraava uusi tulokas on Nemesis sijalla 28, sitten kolmikko Teotihuacan, KeyForge ja Welcome To… sijalla 42. Sijalta 52 löytyy The Quacks of Quedlinburg ja sijalta 58 Pax Pamir. Tänäkään vuonna vuosiäänestys ei ole mitään uutuuspelien juhlaa.
Viime vuoden uutuuspeleistä Azul sijoittuu jälleen kerran kärkisijoille eli neljänneksi. Root parantaa sijoitustaan selvästi, samoin top-kymppiin noussut Brass: Birmingham. Gaia Project pysyy vankasti sijoillaan (Terra Mystica sen sijaan on lähestulkoon kadonnut). Twilight Imperiumin neloslaitos kohentaa asemiaan.
Vuoden peli -voittajista Terraforming Mars on selvästi äänestävän yleisön mielestä strategiapelisarjan ykkösvalinta. Kilpailijat Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra ja Amul jäivät molemmat kahteen ääneen. Sintralla olisi ollut parempaan mahdollisuudet, mutta peli on selvästi edeltäjänsä varjossa, Amulin todellinen suosio mitataan vasta ensi vuonna.
Vuoden perhepeli -voittaja Combo Color ei ole vielä edes saatavilla, joten senkin tilanne nähdään ensi vuonna. Finalistiksi jäänyt Copenhagen sai yhden äänen, mutta eipä sekään ole pitkään ollut saatavilla.
Viime vuoden vuoden peli Majesty sai nyt kolme ääntä, eli kyllä se voitto olisi tämän porukan mukaan Azulille kuulunut. Viime vuoden strategiapelisarjan finalistit pärjäsivät tänä vuonna todella heikosti: voittaja Century: Spice Road oli paras neljällä äänellä, Photosynthesis jäi kahteen ja Queendomino yhteen ääneen.
Spiel des Jahres -voittaja Just One sai yhden äänen, mutta saapa nähdä miten käy ensi vuonna, peli nimittäin ilmestyy tänä vuonna suomeksi. Kennerspiel-voittaja Wingspan oli tämänkin äänestyksen menestyjiä.
Muita huomioita
Aikaisemman ykköspeli Eclipsen tilanne näytti pitkään hyvin synkältä, mutta peli onnistui nousemaan lopulta kymmeneen ääneen. Se on kovin vähän pelille, joka voitti vuosiäänestyksen neljänä vuonna putkeen. Kakkoslaitos ei ole vieläkään ilmestynyt, joten ensi vuodelle jää nähtäväksi, miten se vaikuttaa tilanteeseen.
Arkham Horror: The Card Game nousi esiin yllättävänkin monesta kupongista. Sen menestys (ja osin myös äänten hajautuminen kakkos- ja kolmoslaitoksen kesken) on varmasti Arkham Horrorin ja Eldritch Horrorin vähän heikomman menestyksen takana – Arkham Horror kuitenkin paransi tulostaan huimasti viime vuoden kolmeen ääneen verrattuna.
Kestosuosikeista Dominionin tulos oli huonoin, jos vuotta 2008 ei lasketa, mutta peli mahtui silti kärkikymmenikköön. Trendi on kuitenkin laskeva. Historiansa huonoimmat sijoitukset nappasivat myös Agricola, Power Grid, Ticket to Ride, Love Letter, Catan, Puerto Rico ja Tichu.
Isoista möhkäleistä Gloomhavenin lisäksi Kingdom Death: Monsterin suosio kasvaa, mutta vielä hienommin pärjää The 7th Continent, joka keräsi 19 äänen potin.
Päivitys 17.9.2019: Yhdistin Viticulturen ja Viticulture Essential Editionin yhdeksi peliksi, joka nousi 12. sijalle.
Sija | Peli | Äänet |
1 | Terraforming Mars | 79 |
2 | Gloomhaven | 43 |
3 | Carcassonne | 30 |
4 | Azul | 29 |
4 | Scythe | 29 |
6 | 7 Wonders | 26 |
7 | Dominion – Valtakunta | 25 |
8 | Flamme Rouge | 24 |
9 | A Feast for Odin | 23 |
9 | Brass: Birmingham | 23 |
9 | Great Western Trail | 23 |
12 | Agricola | 22 |
12 | Viticulture | 22 |
12 | Wingspan | 22 |
15 | 7th Continent | 19 |
15 | Root | 19 |
17 | 7 Wonders Duel | 17 |
17 | Spirit Island | 17 |
19 | Concordia | 16 |
20 | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | 15 |
21 | Gaia Project | 14 |
21 | Port Royal | 14 |
21 | Splendor | 14 |
21 | Twilight Imperium (4. laitos) | 14 |
21 | Unlock! | 14 |
26 | Brass: Lancashire | 13 |
26 | Magic: The Gathering | 13 |
28 | Nemesis | 12 |
28 | Race for the Galaxy | 12 |
28 | Ticket to Ride Europe | 12 |
31 | Everdell | 11 |
31 | Exit: The Game | 11 |
31 | Power Grid | 11 |
34 | Castles of Mad King Ludwig | 10 |
34 | Clank! | 10 |
34 | Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game | 10 |
34 | Eclipse | 10 |
34 | Eldritch Horror | 10 |
34 | Mansions of Madness (2nd edition) | 10 |
34 | Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization | 10 |
34 | Ticket to Ride | 10 |
42 | Battlestar Galactica | 9 |
42 | Cosmic Encounter (Universumin valtiaat) | 9 |
42 | Istanbul | 9 |
42 | KeyForge | 9 |
42 | Kingdom Death: Monster | 9 |
42 | Love Letter | 9 |
42 | Raiders of the North Sea | 9 |
42 | Teotihuacan: City of Gods | 9 |
42 | The Mind | 9 |
42 | Welcome To... | 9 |
52 | Codenames | 8 |
52 | Sagrada | 8 |
52 | Secret Hitler | 8 |
52 | Star Wars: Rebellion | 8 |
52 | The Quacks of Quedlinburg | 8 |
52 | The Voyages of Marco Polo | 8 |
58 | 1846: The Race for the Midwest | 7 |
58 | Anachrony | 7 |
58 | Arkham Horror | 7 |
58 | Catan | 7 |
58 | Caverna: The Cave Farmers | 7 |
58 | Clans of Caledonia | 7 |
58 | Dale of Merchants | 7 |
58 | Dinosaur Island | 7 |
58 | High Society | 7 |
58 | Mage Knight Board Game | 7 |
58 | Pandemic | 7 |
58 | Pax Pamir (2nd edition) | 7 |
58 | Salaisuuksien saari (Forbidden Island) | 7 |
58 | Star Wars: Imperial Assault | 7 |
58 | Troyes | 7 |
73 | Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game | 6 |
73 | Decrypto | 6 |
73 | Dixit | 6 |
73 | Five Tribes | 6 |
73 | Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle | 6 |
73 | Kingdomino | 6 |
73 | Lords of Hellas | 6 |
73 | Nations: The Dice Game | 6 |
73 | Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 | 6 |
73 | Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 | 6 |
73 | Star Realms | 6 |
73 | Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar | 6 |
85 | Aeon's End | 5 |
85 | Alhambra | 5 |
85 | Architects of West Kingdom | 5 |
85 | Blood Rage | 5 |
85 | Bohnanza | 5 |
85 | Bunny Kingdom | 5 |
85 | Grand Austria Hotel | 5 |
85 | Hero Realms | 5 |
85 | King of Tokyo | 5 |
85 | Patchwork | 5 |
85 | Puerto Rico | 5 |
85 | Res Arcana | 5 |
85 | Rising Sun | 5 |
85 | Roll Player | 5 |
85 | S.O.S: Seas of Strife | 5 |
85 | Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective | 5 |
85 | The Castles of Burgundy | 5 |
85 | Twilight Struggle | 5 |
85 | Underwater Cities | 5 |
85 | Western Legends | 5 |
105 | 1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties | 4 |
105 | Altiplano | 4 |
105 | Arboretum | 4 |
105 | Burgle Bros. | 4 |
105 | Century: Spice Road | 4 |
105 | Chaos in the Old World | 4 |
105 | Chronicles of Crime | 4 |
105 | Cryptid | 4 |
105 | Dice Forge | 4 |
105 | Fury of Dracula | 4 |
105 | Ginkgopolis | 4 |
105 | Gùgōng | 4 |
105 | Huhupuheita | 4 |
105 | Imperial Settlers | 4 |
105 | Indonesia | 4 |
105 | Kingdom Builder | 4 |
105 | Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth | 4 |
105 | Mechs vs Minions | 4 |
105 | Memoir '44 | 4 |
105 | Mysterium | 4 |
105 | Nations | 4 |
105 | Quest for El Dorado | 4 |
105 | Rajas of the Ganges | 4 |
105 | Space Alert | 4 |
105 | Suburbia | 4 |
105 | The Resistance: Avalon | 4 |
105 | Tichu | 4 |
132 | 1822: The Railways of Great Britain | 3 |
132 | 18USA | 3 |
132 | Betrayal Legacy | 3 |
132 | Between Two Castles of Mad King Ludwig | 3 |
132 | Bärenpark | 3 |
132 | Cacao | 3 |
132 | Chinatown | 3 |
132 | Colt Express | 3 |
132 | Dawn of Peacemakers | 3 |
132 | Deception: Murder in Hong Kong | 3 |
132 | Dice Hospital | 3 |
132 | Exploding Kittens | 3 |
132 | Food Chain Magnate | 3 |
132 | Galaxy Trucker | 3 |
132 | Hive | 3 |
132 | Hokkaido | 3 |
132 | Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King | 3 |
132 | Keyflower | 3 |
132 | Le Havre | 3 |
132 | Lord of the Rings: The Card Game | 3 |
132 | Lords of Waterdeep | 3 |
132 | Lost Cities | 3 |
132 | Majesty: For the Realm | 3 |
132 | Medici | 3 |
132 | Modern Art | 3 |
132 | Nusfjord | 3 |
132 | Pikku Prinssi: Tee minulle planeetta | 3 |
132 | Pipeline | 3 |
132 | Potion Explosion | 3 |
132 | Princes of Florence | 3 |
132 | Risk | 3 |
132 | Roborally | 3 |
132 | Roll for the Galaxy | 3 |
132 | Samurai | 3 |
132 | Santorini | 3 |
132 | Sidereal Confluence | 3 |
132 | Space Base | 3 |
132 | Sword & Sorcery | 3 |
132 | Terra Mystica | 3 |
132 | The Resistance | 3 |
132 | Trickerion | 3 |
132 | U-Boot | 3 |
132 | Villagers | 3 |
132 | War of the Ring | 3 |
132 | Xia: Legends of a Drift System | 3 |
177 | 1844 | 2 |
177 | 6 Nimmt! | 2 |
177 | 878 Vikings: Invasions of England | 2 |
177 | Advanced Squad Leader | 2 |
177 | Afrikan tähti | 2 |
177 | Age of Steam | 2 |
177 | Agricola: Family Edition | 2 |
177 | Aikamatka: Suomi | 2 |
177 | Amul | 2 |
177 | Andean Abyss | 2 |
177 | Android: Netrunner | 2 |
177 | Arkham Horror (3rd edition) | 2 |
177 | Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra | 2 |
177 | Bang! | 2 |
177 | Baseball Highlights: 2045 | 2 |
177 | Battle Line | 2 |
177 | Blokus | 2 |
177 | Blood Bowl | 2 |
177 | Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game | 2 |
177 | Boss Monster | 2 |
177 | Carcassonne: Kivikausi (Hunters & Gatherers) | 2 |
177 | Carpe Diem | 2 |
177 | Champions of Midgard | 2 |
177 | Chimera Station | 2 |
177 | City of Spies | 2 |
177 | Cluedo | 2 |
177 | Coimbra | 2 |
177 | Conflict of Heroes | 2 |
177 | Container | 2 |
177 | Crown of Emara | 2 |
177 | Cthulhu Wars | 2 |
177 | Dead of Winter: The Long Night | 2 |
177 | Descent: Journeys in the Dark | 2 |
177 | Dice Throne | 2 |
177 | Elder Sign | 2 |
177 | Fauna | 2 |
177 | Fields of Arle | 2 |
177 | Fog of Love | 2 |
177 | For Sale | 2 |
177 | Forbidden Stars | 2 |
177 | Fox in the Forest | 2 |
177 | Freedom: The Underground Railroad | 2 |
177 | Gaslands | 2 |
177 | Glass Road | 2 |
177 | Globalissimo | 2 |
177 | Guillotine | 2 |
177 | Heaven & Ale | 2 |
177 | Hellapagos | 2 |
177 | Here I Stand | 2 |
177 | Hero Quest | 2 |
177 | Honshu | 2 |
177 | Imperial | 2 |
177 | Inis | 2 |
177 | Kemet | 2 |
177 | La Granja | 2 |
177 | Leaders of Euphoria: Choose a Better Oppressor | 2 |
177 | Letters from Whitechapel | 2 |
177 | Lokomotive Werks | 2 |
177 | Lords of Vegas | 2 |
177 | Lorenzo il Magnifico | 2 |
177 | Magic Maze | 2 |
177 | Mansions of Madness | 2 |
177 | Meeple Circus | 2 |
177 | Millennium Blades | 2 |
177 | Mountains of Madness | 2 |
177 | Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper | 2 |
177 | Netrunner | 2 |
177 | Nippon | 2 |
177 | Notre Dame | 2 |
177 | One Night Ultimate Werewolf | 2 |
177 | Orléans | 2 |
177 | Photosynthesis | 2 |
177 | PitchCar | 2 |
177 | Pokémon TCG | 2 |
177 | Quartermaster General | 2 |
177 | Raccoon Tycoon | 2 |
177 | Rappakalja | 2 |
177 | Reluctant Enemies | 2 |
177 | Rhino Hero | 2 |
177 | Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island | 2 |
177 | Rococo | 2 |
177 | Scattergories | 2 |
177 | Scrabble | 2 |
177 | Second Chance | 2 |
177 | Shadows over Camelot | 2 |
177 | Shakki | 2 |
177 | Shipwreck Arcana | 2 |
177 | Skogen | 2 |
177 | Small World | 2 |
177 | Smash Up | 2 |
177 | Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem | 2 |
177 | Space Hulk: Death Angel | 2 |
177 | SpaceCorp: 2025-2300AD | 2 |
177 | Sushi Go Party | 2 |
177 | T.I.M.E Stories | 2 |
177 | The Grimm Forest | 2 |
177 | The Grizzled | 2 |
177 | Thunderstone Quest | 2 |
177 | Thurn und Taxis | 2 |
177 | Ticket to Ride: New York | 2 |
177 | Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails | 2 |
177 | Too Many Bones | 2 |
177 | Toscana | 2 |
177 | Triumph & Tragedy | 2 |
177 | Trivial Pursuit | 2 |
177 | Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team | 2 |
177 | Wizard | 2 |
177 | Yinsh | 2 |
177 | Yokohama | 2 |
177 | 老師敬服 (Master of Respect) | 2 |
287 | 0-9 | 1 |
287 | 1817 | 1 |
287 | 1822CA | 1 |
287 | 18XX | 1 |
287 | 1918: Veli Veljeä Vastaan | 1 |
287 | 7 Signum (Die Sieben Siegel) | 1 |
287 | 9th Age | 1 |
287 | A Few Acres of Snow | 1 |
287 | A Game of Thrones | 1 |
287 | A Pleasant Journey to Neko | 1 |
287 | A Song Of Ice And Fire Tabletop Miniature Game | 1 |
287 | Acquire | 1 |
287 | Aeon's End Legacy | 1 |
287 | Afrikan tähti: Retkikunnat | 1 |
287 | Age of War | 1 |
287 | Airlines Europe | 1 |
287 | Alchemist | 1 |
287 | Alchemists | 1 |
287 | Alfapet | 1 |
287 | Alias | 1 |
287 | Alien Artifacts | 1 |
287 | Archipelago | 1 |
287 | Asante/Jambo | 1 |
287 | Ashes: The Rise of the Phoenixborn | 1 |
287 | Attika | 1 |
287 | Automania | 1 |
287 | Ave Caesar | 1 |
287 | Avenue | 1 |
287 | Awkward Guests | 1 |
287 | Backgammon | 1 |
287 | Bang! The dice game | 1 |
287 | Banishing | 1 |
287 | Bargain Quest | 1 |
287 | Barrage | 1 |
287 | Batman: Gotham City Chronicles | 1 |
287 | Battle for Rokugan | 1 |
287 | Battle Sheep | 1 |
287 | BattleCon: Devastation of the Indines | 1 |
287 | BattleLore | 1 |
287 | Belratti | 1 |
287 | Betrayal at the House on the Hill | 1 |
287 | Between Two Cities | 1 |
287 | Big Trouble in Little China: The Game | 1 |
287 | Black Orchestra | 1 |
287 | Blitz Bowl | 1 |
287 | Bloodborne Card Game | 1 |
287 | Blue Lagoon | 1 |
287 | Boomerang | 1 |
287 | Camel Cup | 1 |
287 | Can't Stop | 1 |
287 | Capital | 1 |
287 | Carcassonne Junior (Lasten Carcassonne) | 1 |
287 | Carcassonne Korttipeli | 1 |
287 | Carcassonne: Safari | 1 |
287 | Carcassonne: The Castle | 1 |
287 | Cards Against Humanity | 1 |
287 | Cash 'n Guns | 1 |
287 | Cataclysm | 1 |
287 | Catanin uudisasukkaat -korttipeli (Settlers of Catan: The Card Game) | 1 |
287 | Caylus | 1 |
287 | Celestia | 1 |
287 | Century: Eastern Wonders | 1 |
287 | Cerebria | 1 |
287 | Chez Geek | 1 |
287 | Chicago Express (Wabash Cannonball) | 1 |
287 | City of Big Shoulders | 1 |
287 | Claim | 1 |
287 | Clank! In! Space! | 1 |
287 | Clash of cultures | 1 |
287 | CO2: Second Chance | 1 |
287 | Coal Baron | 1 |
287 | Codenames Pictures | 1 |
287 | Colony | 1 |
287 | Commands & Colors: Napoleonics | 1 |
287 | Communist Cats | 1 |
287 | Copenhagen | 1 |
287 | Cosmic Factory | 1 |
287 | Coup | 1 |
287 | Cribbage | 1 |
287 | Crisis | 1 |
287 | Crokinole | 1 |
287 | Cuba | 1 |
287 | Cyclades | 1 |
287 | D-Day at Omaha Beach | 1 |
287 | Da Vinci Code | 1 |
287 | Dam It! | 1 |
287 | Dark Tales | 1 |
287 | Deckscape | 1 |
287 | Detective: City of Angels | 1 |
287 | Diamant | 1 |
287 | Die Macher | 1 |
287 | Die Tavernen im Tiefen Thal | 1 |
287 | Diplomacy | 1 |
287 | Dobble | 1 |
287 | Dogs of War | 1 |
287 | Dominant Species | 1 |
287 | Donki | 1 |
287 | Downforce | 1 |
287 | DreadBall (2nd Edition) | 1 |
287 | Duel of Ages II | 1 |
287 | Dungeon Rush | 1 |
287 | Dungeon Time | 1 |
287 | Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game | 1 |
287 | Enchanters | 1 |
287 | Endeavor | 1 |
287 | Ethnos | 1 |
287 | Evolution: The Beginning | 1 |
287 | Fabled Fruit | 1 |
287 | Fallout: The Board Game | 1 |
287 | Fantasy Realms | 1 |
287 | Fearsome Floors (Finstere Flure) | 1 |
287 | Feudum | 1 |
287 | Fief: France 1429 | 1 |
287 | Fields of Fire | 1 |
287 | Fields of Green | 1 |
287 | Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) | 1 |
287 | Fireball Island: The Curse of Vul-Kar | 1 |
287 | Flaschenteufel | 1 |
287 | Flash Point: Fire Rescue | 1 |
287 | Foothills | 1 |
287 | Forbidden Sky | 1 |
287 | Formula D | 1 |
287 | Forwarder of Xanadu | 1 |
287 | Francis Drake | 1 |
287 | Friday | 1 |
287 | FUBA | 1 |
287 | Fungi | 1 |
287 | Gang of Four | 1 |
287 | Gears of War | 1 |
287 | Gentes | 1 |
287 | German Railways | 1 |
287 | Ghost Fightin' Treasure Hunters | 1 |
287 | Ghost Stories | 1 |
287 | Gingerbread House | 1 |
287 | Gizmos | 1 |
287 | Glen More | 1 |
287 | Go | 1 |
287 | Go Nuts for Donuts | 1 |
287 | Goa | 1 |
287 | GoodCritters | 1 |
287 | Great War Commander | 1 |
287 | Haaste Party | 1 |
287 | Hadara | 1 |
287 | Hanabi | 1 |
287 | Hanamikoji | 1 |
287 | Hands in the Sea | 1 |
287 | Happy Salmon | 1 |
287 | Harry Potter Cluedo | 1 |
287 | Harry Potter ja viisasten kivi | 1 |
287 | Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle - Defence again the Dark Arts | 1 |
287 | Heart of Crown | 1 |
287 | Heck Meck | 1 |
287 | Hellboy: The Board Game | 1 |
287 | Herbaceous | 1 |
287 | High Frontier | 1 |
287 | Hnefatafl | 1 |
287 | Imperial 2030 | 1 |
287 | Infected | 1 |
287 | Infinity | 1 |
287 | Jagged Alliance | 1 |
287 | Jaipur | 1 |
287 | Jamaica | 1 |
287 | Jórvík | 1 |
287 | Jump Drive | 1 |
287 | Just One | 1 |
287 | Kabale und Hiebe | 1 |
287 | Kadonnut kaupunki | 1 |
287 | Karuba | 1 |
287 | Key Flow | 1 |
287 | Kill Doctor Lucky | 1 |
287 | Kimble | 1 |
287 | King of the Dice | 1 |
287 | Klask | 1 |
287 | Krosmaster: Arena | 1 |
287 | Kyoto Protocol | 1 |
287 | Labyrinth: War on Terror | 1 |
287 | Lanterns: The Harvest Festival | 1 |
287 | Legendary Encounters: X-Files | 1 |
287 | Legendary Inventors | 1 |
287 | Legendary: Marvel Deck-Building Game | 1 |
287 | Legendary: Villains – Marvel Deck Building Game | 1 |
287 | Leo menee parturiin | 1 |
287 | Ligretto | 1 |
287 | Lisboa | 1 |
287 | Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation | 1 |
287 | Louis XIV | 1 |
287 | Lovecraft letter | 1 |
287 | Machi Koro | 1 |
287 | Mahjong | 1 |
287 | Mallorca | 1 |
287 | Manhattan | 1 |
287 | Manhattan Project: Energy Empire | 1 |
287 | Manno Monster | 1 |
287 | Marrying Mr. Darcy | 1 |
287 | Marvel Dice Masters | 1 |
287 | Medici: the Card Game | 1 |
287 | Merchants & Marauders | 1 |
287 | Middle-Earth Quest | 1 |
287 | Middle-Earth: The Wizards CCG | 1 |
287 | Miraris | 1 |
287 | Mombasa | 1 |
287 | Monolith Arena | 1 |
287 | Monopoly Deal | 1 |
287 | Monopoly korttipeli | 1 |
287 | Mottainai | 1 |
287 | Mr. Jack | 1 |
287 | Munchkin | 1 |
287 | Munchkin Treasure Hunt | 1 |
287 | Museum | 1 |
287 | My Little Scythe | 1 |
287 | Mystery of the Abbey | 1 |
287 | Nagaraja | 1 |
287 | Napoleonic Wars | 1 |
287 | Navegador | 1 |
287 | Near and Far | 1 |
287 | Nemo's War | 1 |
287 | Neuroshima Hex | 1 |
287 | New Salem | 1 |
287 | New York 1901 | 1 |
287 | Newton | 1 |
287 | No Retreat! The Russian Front | 1 |
287 | No Thanks! | 1 |
287 | Noa | 1 |
287 | Odin's Ravens | 1 |
287 | Oh My Goods! | 1 |
287 | Omen: Reign of War | 1 |
287 | Once Upon a Time | 1 |
287 | Onitama | 1 |
287 | Ora et Labora | 1 |
287 | Oregon | 1 |
287 | Origami | 1 |
287 | Outlive | 1 |
287 | Oware | 1 |
287 | Panamax | 1 |
287 | Pandemic Iberia | 1 |
287 | Paperback | 1 |
287 | Parade | 1 |
287 | Patalupaus | 1 |
287 | Paths of Glory | 1 |
287 | Perdition's Mouth: Abyssal Rift | 1 |
287 | Piepmatz | 1 |
287 | Q.E. | 1 |
287 | Quadropolis | 1 |
287 | Quantum | 1 |
287 | Quartermaster General: The Cold War | 1 |
287 | Quartermaster General: Victory or Death | 1 |
287 | Queendomino | 1 |
287 | Qwinto | 1 |
287 | Ra: The Dice Game | 1 |
287 | Ragusa | 1 |
287 | Railroad Ink | 1 |
287 | Raptor | 1 |
287 | Reef | 1 |
287 | Reef Encounter | 1 |
287 | Reuhurinne Keksi sana | 1 |
287 | Rhino Hero Super Battle | 1 |
287 | Rise of Queensdale | 1 |
287 | Rise of Tribes | 1 |
287 | Risk Legacy | 1 |
287 | Russian Railroads | 1 |
287 | Saint Petersburg | 1 |
287 | Samsara | 1 |
287 | Sea of Clouds | 1 |
287 | SeaFall | 1 |
287 | Seasons | 1 |
287 | Seikatsu | 1 |
287 | Serenissima | 1 |
287 | Shadow Hunters | 1 |
287 | Shadowrun: Crossfire | 1 |
287 | Shadows in Kyoto | 1 |
287 | Shadows: Amsterdam | 1 |
287 | Sheriff of Nottingham | 1 |
287 | Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn | 1 |
287 | Signorie | 1 |
287 | Skull | 1 |
287 | Skull King | 1 |
287 | Snow Tails | 1 |
287 | Sola Fide | 1 |
287 | Solenia | 1 |
287 | Space Explorers | 1 |
287 | Spyfall | 1 |
287 | Spyrium | 1 |
287 | Star Trek: Ascendancy | 1 |
287 | Star Wars: Armada Miniature Game | 1 |
287 | Star Wars: Outer Rim | 1 |
287 | Star Wars: X-Wing (2nd Edition) | 1 |
287 | Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game | 1 |
287 | Start Player | 1 |
287 | Steam | 1 |
287 | Stich-Meister | 1 |
287 | Stone Age – Kivikausi | 1 |
287 | StreetSoccer | 1 |
287 | String Railway | 1 |
287 | Stuffed Fables | 1 |
287 | Sub Terra | 1 |
287 | Summoner Wars | 1 |
287 | Super Motherload | 1 |
287 | Sushi Go! | 1 |
287 | Taivaan pilarit (Pillars of the Earth) | 1 |
287 | Take It Easy | 1 |
287 | Takenoko | 1 |
287 | Tales of the Arabian Nights | 1 |
287 | Talisman | 1 |
287 | Targi | 1 |
287 | Taru sormusten herrasta (Lord of the Rings) | 1 |
287 | That's Pretty Clever | 1 |
287 | The Art of Science | 1 |
287 | The Castles of Burgundy Card Game | 1 |
287 | The Cave | 1 |
287 | The Colonists | 1 |
287 | The Enigma Box | 1 |
287 | The Forest Dragon Bang & Twang | 1 |
287 | The Gallerist | 1 |
287 | The Great Dalmuti | 1 |
287 | The Great Zimbabwe | 1 |
287 | The Last Hundred Yards | 1 |
287 | The Lost Expedition | 1 |
287 | The Magic Tower | 1 |
287 | Thunder Alley | 1 |
287 | Thunderbirds | 1 |
287 | Ticket to Ride: London | 1 |
287 | Ticket to Ride: Switzerland | 1 |
287 | Tide of Iron | 1 |
287 | Tiedolla tai tuurilla (Wits & Wagers) | 1 |
287 | Tigris & Euphrates | 1 |
287 | Time of Legends: Joan of Arc | 1 |
287 | Titan: The Arena | 1 |
287 | Tokaido | 1 |
287 | Top Race | 1 |
287 | Torakkapokeri (Kakerlaken Poker) | 1 |
287 | Tower of Babel | 1 |
287 | Tragedy Looper | 1 |
287 | Trajan | 1 |
287 | TransEuropa+ | 1 |
287 | Treasure Island | 1 |
287 | Tumblin-Dice | 1 |
287 | Two Rooms and a Boom | 1 |
287 | U.S. Civil War | 1 |
287 | Ubongo | 1 |
287 | Ubongo 3D | 1 |
287 | Ultimate Werewolf Legacy | 1 |
287 | Unconditional Surrender | 1 |
287 | UNO | 1 |
287 | Valeria: Card Kingdoms | 1 |
287 | Vampire: The Eternal Struggle | 1 |
287 | Vegas | 1 |
287 | Velhovuoren aarre | 1 |
287 | Village Attacks | 1 |
287 | Villainous | 1 |
287 | Vindication | 1 |
287 | Vinhos | 1 |
287 | Virgin Queen | 1 |
287 | Voodoo Prince | 1 |
287 | Wallenstein | 1 |
287 | Wander: The Cult of Barnacle Bay | 1 |
287 | War Chest | 1 |
287 | Warfighter | 1 |
287 | Warhammer: Underworlds | 1 |
287 | Warrior Knights | 1 |
287 | Warsaw: City of Ruins | 1 |
287 | Watson & Holmes: From the Diaries of 221B | 1 |
287 | Web of Power | 1 |
287 | When I Dream | 1 |
287 | Whistle Stop | 1 |
287 | Wir Sind das Volk | 1 |
287 | Wreck Raiders | 1 |
287 | Yomi | 1 |
287 | Zooloretto: The Dice Game | 1 |