Vuoden 2021 äänestys jäi edellisestä vuodesta äänimäärässä selvästi. Olisiko koronapandemia sitten näkynyt tässä kohtaa, kun äänestäjämäärä putosi reippaasti, ollen lopulta 360. Yhteensä ääniä jaettiin 2382 ja ne jakautuivat 707 pelille.
Jälleen kerran voittaja oli selvä koko ajan. Terraforming Mars on tällä hetkellä täysin ylivoimainen. Wingspanin kakkossija on toinen yhtä ilmeinen seikka. Viime vuoden top 3 uusi tänä vuonna, kun Gloomhaven nousi taas kolmannelle sijalle, mutta sepä ei enää ollutkaan niin selvä juttu.
Tänäkin vuonna paras uutuuspeli mahtui kymmenen parhaan joukkoon. Dune: Imperium oli parhaimmillaan jopa kolmantena, mutta kun ääniä kertyi lisää, se putosi, kunnes löysi lopulta paikkansa kymmenenneltä sijalta. 26 ääntä on erinomainen saalis!
Lost Ruins of Arnak jäi uutuuspelikisassa kakkoseksi 12. sijalle. Beyond the Sun löytyy sijalta 47., Hallertau sijalta 56. ja Oath, Calico ja Cascadia sijalta 67. – mitään suurta uutuuspelien juhlaa äänestys ei siis tälläkään kertaa ollut ja sitä vahvemmin Dune: Imperium ja Lost Ruins of Arnak vuoden kovimpina uutuuksina joukosta erottuvat.
Viime vuoden uutuuksista parhaiten menestyi The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine, joka nousi kymmenenneltä sijalta peräti neljänneksi. Hieno nousu. Uusi Mission Deep Sea keräsi sekin muutaman äänen ja nähtäväksi jää, missä määrin se ensi vuonna syrjäyttää alkuperäistä The Quest for Planet Ninea.
Viime vuonna arvelin Räävelin rohtotohtorien siivittävän The Quacks of Quedlinburgin kärkikymppiin. No ei ihan – se jäi viiden äänen päähän sijalle 12., mutta olisiko suomennoksen saatavuudessakin ollut vähän hankaluuksia.
Viime vuonna Vuoden peli -palkinnot menivät perhepelisarjassa Second Chancelle, strategiapelien sarjassa It’s a Wonderful Worldille, partypelisarjassa Twin It!:lle ja lastenpelisarjan voitti Etsi ja löydä : Safariseikkailu. Näistä It’s a Wonderful World osoittautui nappivalinnaksi ja nousi jaetulle neljännelle sijalle komealla äänipotilla. Second Chance sai kahdeksan ääntä, mikä on niin kevyelle pelille hyvä suoritus, ja Twin It! nappasi sekin pari ääntä.
Tämän äänestyksen osallistujat olisivat toki nostaneet Wingspanin selvästi ohi It’s a Wonderful Worldin, mutta toinen strategiapelifinalisti Welcome To… sai tyytyä kahdeksaan ääneen.
Spiel des Jahresin ja lähes kaiken muunkin voittanut MicroMacro – Rikospaikalla ei osoittautunut suosituksi: vain kuusi äänestäjää antoi sille äänensä. Kennerspielin voittanut Paleo on jäänyt vielä oudommaksi, se sai vain yhden äänen. No, se tulee ensi vuonna suomeksi, joten eiköhän se vuoden päästä kerää tukevamman äänisaaliin.
Viime vuoden Pelaajien valinta -voittajat menestyivät: Wingspan oli kakkonen ja Quest for El Dorado sijalla 12.
Muutoksia listoille
Lautapelioppaan top 100 -lista päivitetään tämän äänestyksen perusteella. Listan sisältö pysyi jokseenkin samana, vaihtoa tuli viiden pelin verran: listalle nousivat Everdell, The Crew, Root, Exit ja Unlock! ja siltä poistuivat shakki, PitchCar, Roborally, Steam ja Descent: Journeys in the Dark.
Huomattavimpina muutoksina listan sisällä Terraforming Mars paransi asemiaan odotetusti ja nousi yhdeksänneltä sijalta viidenneksi. Wingspan teki ison loikan 20 parhaan pelin joukkoon, Brass: Birmingham puolestaan loikkasi 50 parhaan pelin joukkoon.
Luokituksissa lupaaviin uutuuksiin kirjataan Lost Ruins of Arnak (ja Dune: Imperium, jos joku sen arvostelee). Kestosuosikkien listalle nousevat Android: Netrunner, Hanabi, Indonesia, Kingdom Builder, Lords of Waterdeep, Mage Knight, Mallorca, Takenoko ja The Castles of Burgundy.
Muita huomioita
7 Wonders Duel notkahti selvästi viime vuoden top 10 -sijoituksestaan. Olisiko It’s a Wonderful World vienyt äänestäjiä? Aika samaan lokeroonhan se osuu kuin molemmat 7 Wondersit. Alkuperäinen 7 Wonders jäi sekin kakkoseksi It’s a Wonderful Worldille, mutta sijoittui kuitenkin osuvasti seitsemännelle sijalle.
Eclipse notkahti edelleen. Ykköslaitos on selvästi hiipumassa ja vaikka kakkoslaitos keräsikin enemmän ääniä kuin viime vuonna, yhdistetyillä äänillä ei olisi enää tullut paikkaa kymmenen kärjessä. Myös Ticket to Ride ja Dominion putosivat kymmenen kärjestä tänä vuonna.
Sija | Peli | Äänet |
1 | Terraforming Mars | 97 |
2 | Wingspan | 63 |
3 | Gloomhaven | 41 |
4 | It's a Wonderful World | 36 |
4 | The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine | 36 |
6 | Brass: Birmingham | 35 |
7 | 7 Wonders | 33 |
8 | Carcassonne | 29 |
9 | Everdell | 27 |
10 | Dune: Imperium | 26 |
11 | Scythe | 22 |
12 | Dominion – Valtakunta | 21 |
12 | Great Western Trail | 21 |
12 | Lost Ruins of Arnak | 21 |
12 | Quest for El Dorado | 21 |
12 | Spirit Island | 21 |
12 | The Quacks of Quedlinburg | 21 |
18 | Catan | 19 |
19 | 7 Wonders Duel | 18 |
19 | Splendor | 18 |
21 | Agricola | 16 |
21 | Azul | 16 |
21 | Ticket to Ride | 16 |
24 | Eclipse: Second Dawn for the Galaxy | 15 |
24 | Nemesis | 15 |
24 | Port Royal | 15 |
24 | Viticulture | 15 |
28 | Flamme Rouge | 14 |
28 | Res Arcana | 14 |
28 | Root | 14 |
31 | A Feast for Odin | 13 |
31 | Castles of Mad King Ludwig | 13 |
31 | Concordia | 13 |
31 | Exit: The Game | 13 |
31 | My City | 13 |
31 | Pax Pamir (2nd edition) | 13 |
31 | Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization | 13 |
31 | Twilight Imperium (4. laitos) | 13 |
31 | Unlock! | 13 |
40 | Anachrony | 12 |
40 | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | 12 |
40 | Bohnanza | 12 |
40 | Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion | 12 |
44 | Love Letter | 11 |
44 | Magic: The Gathering | 11 |
44 | The Castles of Burgundy | 11 |
47 | Beyond the Sun | 10 |
47 | Cartographers | 10 |
47 | Parks | 10 |
47 | Race for the Galaxy | 10 |
47 | Sagrada | 10 |
52 | Gaia Project | 9 |
52 | Patchwork | 9 |
52 | Puerto Rico | 9 |
52 | Terra Mystica | 9 |
56 | Forgotten Waters | 8 |
56 | Hallertau | 8 |
56 | Nova Luna | 8 |
56 | Pandemic | 8 |
56 | Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 | 8 |
56 | Power Grid | 8 |
56 | Second Chance | 8 |
56 | Secret Hitler | 8 |
56 | Tapestry | 8 |
56 | Twilight Struggle | 8 |
56 | Welcome To... | 8 |
67 | 1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties | 7 |
67 | 7th Continent | 7 |
67 | Architects of West Kingdom | 7 |
67 | Azul: Summer Pavilion | 7 |
67 | Calico | 7 |
67 | Cascadia | 7 |
67 | Cosmic Encounter (Universumin valtiaat) | 7 |
67 | For Sale | 7 |
67 | Imperial Struggle | 7 |
67 | Isle of Cats | 7 |
67 | Istanbul | 7 |
67 | Just One | 7 |
67 | Mage Knight Board Game | 7 |
67 | Mansions of Madness (2nd edition) | 7 |
67 | Marvel Champions | 7 |
67 | Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile | 7 |
67 | Stone Age – Kivikausi | 7 |
84 | Alhambra | 6 |
84 | Bang! | 6 |
84 | Blood Rage | 6 |
84 | Codenames | 6 |
84 | Dale of Merchants | 6 |
84 | Eclipse | 6 |
84 | Innovation | 6 |
84 | Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth | 6 |
84 | MicroMacro – Rikospaikalla | 6 |
84 | Pandemic Legacy: Season 0 | 6 |
84 | Star Wars: Imperial Assault | 6 |
84 | Tichu | 6 |
84 | Underwater Cities | 6 |
97 | A Game of Thrones | 5 |
97 | Amul | 5 |
97 | Anno 1800 | 5 |
97 | Arkham Horror (2nd edition) | 5 |
97 | Barrage | 5 |
97 | Battle Line | 5 |
97 | Brass: Lancashire | 5 |
97 | Caverna: The Cave Farmers | 5 |
97 | Century: Spice Road | 5 |
97 | Coup | 5 |
97 | Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game | 5 |
97 | Eldritch Horror | 5 |
97 | Five Tribes | 5 |
97 | Glen More II: Chronicles | 5 |
97 | Guillotine | 5 |
97 | Kingdom Builder | 5 |
97 | Kingdomino | 5 |
97 | Meadow | 5 |
97 | Memoir '44 | 5 |
97 | Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island | 5 |
97 | Star Wars: Rebellion | 5 |
97 | Suburbia | 5 |
97 | Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon | 5 |
97 | Teotihuacan: City of Gods | 5 |
97 | Thurn und Taxis | 5 |
122 | 1822: The Railways of Great Britain | 4 |
122 | 1846: The Race for the Midwest | 4 |
122 | 6 Nimmt! | 4 |
122 | All Bridges Burning | 4 |
122 | Aquatica | 4 |
122 | Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra | 4 |
122 | Crokinole | 4 |
122 | Deception: Murder in Hong Kong | 4 |
122 | Decrypto | 4 |
122 | Dice Forge | 4 |
122 | Dixit | 4 |
122 | Ecosystem | 4 |
122 | Ghost Stories | 4 |
122 | Hanabi | 4 |
122 | Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle | 4 |
122 | Inis | 4 |
122 | KeyForge | 4 |
122 | Maracaibo | 4 |
122 | Middara | 4 |
122 | Nidavellir | 4 |
122 | Paladins of the West Kingdom | 4 |
122 | Raiders of the North Sea | 4 |
122 | Sleeping Gods | 4 |
122 | Small World | 4 |
122 | Smart10 | 4 |
122 | Sons of Anarchy: Men of Mayhem | 4 |
122 | Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition | 4 |
122 | The King's Dilemma | 4 |
122 | The Search for Planet X | 4 |
122 | The Voyages of Marco Polo | 4 |
122 | Ticket to Ride Europe | 4 |
122 | Tyrants of the Underdark | 4 |
122 | Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar | 4 |
122 | UNO | 4 |
122 | Wavelength | 4 |
122 | Xia: Legends of a Drift System | 4 |
122 | Yellow & Yangtze | 4 |
159 | Abyss | 3 |
159 | Advanced Squad Leader | 3 |
159 | Age of Steam | 3 |
159 | Agemonia | 3 |
159 | Argoat | 3 |
159 | Bananagrams | 3 |
159 | Betrayal at the House on the Hill | 3 |
159 | Blood Bowl | 3 |
159 | Bunny Kingdom | 3 |
159 | Bärenpark | 3 |
159 | Chaos in the Old World | 3 |
159 | Clank! | 3 |
159 | CloudAge | 3 |
159 | Colt Express | 3 |
159 | Concept | 3 |
159 | Cthulhu Wars | 3 |
159 | Destinies | 3 |
159 | Dominant Species: Marine | 3 |
159 | Dwellings of Eldervale | 3 |
159 | Food Chain Magnate | 3 |
159 | Fort | 3 |
159 | Friday | 3 |
159 | Galaxy Trucker | 3 |
159 | Ginkgopolis | 3 |
159 | Glass Road | 3 |
159 | Go | 3 |
159 | Kingdom Rush | 3 |
159 | L.A.M.A. | 3 |
159 | Lisboa | 3 |
159 | Lords of Waterdeep | 3 |
159 | Mahjong | 3 |
159 | Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan | 3 |
159 | Miraris | 3 |
159 | Monikers | 3 |
159 | Nations | 3 |
159 | Oriflamme | 3 |
159 | Praga Caput Regni | 3 |
159 | Railroad Ink | 3 |
159 | Red Rising | 3 |
159 | Rising Sun | 3 |
159 | Roll for the Galaxy | 3 |
159 | Rummikub | 3 |
159 | S.O.S: Seas of Strife | 3 |
159 | Samurai | 3 |
159 | Skull King | 3 |
159 | Taj Mahal | 3 |
159 | That's Pretty Clever | 3 |
159 | The Crew: Mission Deep Sea | 3 |
159 | The Resistance: Avalon | 3 |
159 | This War of Mine | 3 |
159 | Tiny Towns | 3 |
159 | Trails of Tucana | 3 |
159 | Troyes | 3 |
159 | Undaunted: Normandy | 3 |
159 | Under Falling Skies | 3 |
159 | War of the Ring | 3 |
159 | Western Legends | 3 |
159 | Yedo | 3 |
159 | Yokai Septet | 3 |
159 | Yokohama | 3 |
219 | 1817 | 2 |
219 | 18USA | 2 |
219 | 1960: The Making of the President | 2 |
219 | A War of Whispers | 2 |
219 | Aeon's End | 2 |
219 | Afrikan tähti | 2 |
219 | Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps | 2 |
219 | Aqualin | 2 |
219 | Arboretum | 2 |
219 | Arkham Horror (3rd edition) | 2 |
219 | Atlantic Chase | 2 |
219 | Atlantis 30th Anniversary Edition | 2 |
219 | Babylonia | 2 |
219 | Battlestar Galactica | 2 |
219 | Blade Rondo | 2 |
219 | Botanik | 2 |
219 | Bullet <3 | 2 |
219 | Carcassonne: Kivikausi (Hunters & Gatherers) | 2 |
219 | Carnegie | 2 |
219 | Celestia | 2 |
219 | Chinatown | 2 |
219 | Chronicles of Crime | 2 |
219 | Chronicles of Drunagor: Age of Darkness | 2 |
219 | City of the Big Shoulders | 2 |
219 | Clank! Legacy: Acquisitions Incorporated | 2 |
219 | Clans of Caledonia | 2 |
219 | Commands & Colors: Ancients | 2 |
219 | Copenhagen | 2 |
219 | Cthulhu: Death May Die | 2 |
219 | Dark Souls: The Board Game | 2 |
219 | Detective: City of Angels | 2 |
219 | Dune | 2 |
219 | Empire of the Sun | 2 |
219 | Etherfields | 2 |
219 | Exploding Kittens | 2 |
219 | Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar | 2 |
219 | Fields of Arle | 2 |
219 | Flash Point: Fire Rescue | 2 |
219 | Fox in the Forest | 2 |
219 | Gorinto | 2 |
219 | Hanamikoji | 2 |
219 | Hansa Teutonica | 2 |
219 | Hedelmätarha | 2 |
219 | Here to Slay | 2 |
219 | Heroes of Land, Air and Sea | 2 |
219 | Hive Pocket | 2 |
219 | Honshu | 2 |
219 | Jaipur | 2 |
219 | Kanban EV | 2 |
219 | Kemet | 2 |
219 | Kitchen Rush | 2 |
219 | Linko! | 2 |
219 | Looping Louie | 2 |
219 | Mallorca | 2 |
219 | Manila | 2 |
219 | MAYOIGA: The Lost Village | 2 |
219 | Medici | 2 |
219 | Minecraft: Builders & Biomes | 2 |
219 | Modern Art | 2 |
219 | Munchkin | 2 |
219 | Mysterium | 2 |
219 | Nations: The Dice Game | 2 |
219 | Obsession | 2 |
219 | On Mars | 2 |
219 | Oregon | 2 |
219 | Orléans | 2 |
219 | Overboss | 2 |
219 | Pax Renaissance (2nd edition) | 2 |
219 | Photosynthesis | 2 |
219 | Qwixx | 2 |
219 | Rallyman: GT | 2 |
219 | Ristiseiska | 2 |
219 | Sagani | 2 |
219 | Salaisuuksien saari (Forbidden Island) | 2 |
219 | Scrabble | 2 |
219 | Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan | 2 |
219 | Shakki | 2 |
219 | Sidereal Confluence | 2 |
219 | Steampunk Rally Fusion | 2 |
219 | Strasbourg | 2 |
219 | Sushi Go Party | 2 |
219 | Sushi Go! | 2 |
219 | The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls | 2 |
219 | The Colonists | 2 |
219 | The Great Dalmuti | 2 |
219 | The King is Dead | 2 |
219 | The Snallygaster Situation: Kids on Bike | 2 |
219 | Tigris & Euphrates | 2 |
219 | Trajan | 2 |
219 | Träxx | 2 |
219 | Twin It! | 2 |
219 | U-Boot | 2 |
219 | Unsettled | 2 |
219 | Velhovuoren aarre | 2 |
219 | Villainous | 2 |
219 | Vindication | 2 |
219 | Viscounts of the West Kingdom | 2 |
219 | Walking in Burano | 2 |
219 | Wolle | 2 |
318 | 0-9 | 1 |
318 | 10 Days in Europe | 1 |
318 | 1000 km | 1 |
318 | 1822MX | 1 |
318 | 1830: Railways and Robber Barons | 1 |
318 | 1841: Railways in Northern Italy | 1 |
318 | 1849: The Game of Sicilian Railways | 1 |
318 | 1856 | 1 |
318 | 1882: Assiniboia | 1 |
318 | 18Chesapeake | 1 |
318 | 18Scan | 1 |
318 | 50 Clues | 1 |
318 | 51st State Master Set | 1 |
318 | 878 Vikings: Invasions of England | 1 |
318 | A Fake Artist Goes to New York | 1 |
318 | A Little Wordy | 1 |
318 | Acquire | 1 |
318 | Adrenaline | 1 |
318 | Adventure Games | 1 |
318 | Aeon's End Legacy | 1 |
318 | Aeon’s End: War Eternal | 1 |
318 | Age of Civilization | 1 |
318 | Agricola: Family Edition | 1 |
318 | Aikamatka | 1 |
318 | Alchemists | 1 |
318 | Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins | 1 |
318 | Alma Mater | 1 |
318 | Android: Netrunner | 1 |
318 | Ankh: Gods of Egypt | 1 |
318 | Argent: The Consortium | 1 |
318 | Atlantis Rising (2nd edition) | 1 |
318 | Augustus | 1 |
318 | Automobile | 1 |
318 | AuZtralia | 1 |
318 | Ave Caesar | 1 |
318 | Axio Rota | 1 |
318 | Axis & Allies 1914 | 1 |
318 | Axis and Allies Global 1940 2nd ed. | 1 |
318 | Back to the Future: Back in Time | 1 |
318 | Backgammon | 1 |
318 | Bang! The dice game | 1 |
318 | Battle Sheep | 1 |
318 | Beez | 1 |
318 | Best of Werewolves of Miller's Hollow | 1 |
318 | Bezzerwizzer | 1 |
318 | Biblios | 1 |
318 | Biblios: Quill and Parchment | 1 |
318 | Blanc Noir | 1 |
318 | Blokus Trigon | 1 |
318 | Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game | 1 |
318 | Blue Lagoon | 1 |
318 | Blue Skies | 1 |
318 | Bock Rock | 1 |
318 | Bonfire | 1 |
318 | Boss Monster | 1 |
318 | Britannia | 1 |
318 | Cacao | 1 |
318 | Camel Cup | 1 |
318 | Can't Stop | 1 |
318 | Canvas | 1 |
318 | Carcassonne Junior (Lasten Carcassonne) | 1 |
318 | Carcassonne: Amazonas | 1 |
318 | Carcassonne: The Castle | 1 |
318 | Castle Panic | 1 |
318 | Caylus | 1 |
318 | Century: A New World | 1 |
318 | Century: Golem Edition | 1 |
318 | Chicago Express (Wabash Cannonball) | 1 |
318 | Circadians: First Light | 1 |
318 | Circle the Wagons | 1 |
318 | Cities: Skylines – The Board Game | 1 |
318 | City of Kings | 1 |
318 | Claim | 1 |
318 | Clank! In! Space! | 1 |
318 | Cloud City | 1 |
318 | Cloudspire | 1 |
318 | Cluedo Mysteerit | 1 |
318 | Codenames Duet | 1 |
318 | Coloretto | 1 |
318 | Combo Color | 1 |
318 | Condottiere | 1 |
318 | Consentacle | 1 |
318 | Crown of Emara | 1 |
318 | Crusader Rex | 1 |
318 | Cryptid | 1 |
318 | Crystal Cave – Kristallikaivos | 1 |
318 | Cuba Libre | 1 |
318 | Dale of Merchants 2 | 1 |
318 | Dead of Winter: The Long Night | 1 |
318 | Descent: Legends of the Dark | 1 |
318 | Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game | 1 |
318 | Diamant | 1 |
318 | Die Hard: The Nakatomi Heist Board Game | 1 |
318 | Die Macher | 1 |
318 | Die Tavernen im Tiefen Thal | 1 |
318 | Dinosaur Island | 1 |
318 | Dogs of War | 1 |
318 | Dominant Species | 1 |
318 | Draftosaurus | 1 |
318 | Dual Powers | 1 |
318 | Dûhr: The Lesser Houses | 1 |
318 | Dungeon Degenerates: Hand of Doom | 1 |
318 | Dungeon Lords | 1 |
318 | Dungeon Mayhem | 1 |
318 | Dungeon Petz | 1 |
318 | Dungeon Time | 1 |
318 | DungeonQuest | 1 |
318 | Dungeons & Dragons: Rock Paper Wizard | 1 |
318 | Enchanters | 1 |
318 | Enemy Coast Ahead: The Doolittle Raid | 1 |
318 | Escape from the Dark Castle | 1 |
318 | Escape Room – Pakohuonepeli | 1 |
318 | Ethnos | 1 |
318 | Fabled Fruit | 1 |
318 | Fantastic Factories | 1 |
318 | Fauna | 1 |
318 | Fearsome Floors (Finstere Flure) | 1 |
318 | Final Fantasy Trading Card Game | 1 |
318 | Fire in the Lake | 1 |
318 | Firefly: The Game | 1 |
318 | Flesh and Blood | 1 |
318 | Fortuna | 1 |
318 | Fortune and Glory: The Cliffhanger Game | 1 |
318 | Funny Friends | 1 |
318 | Gambler × Gamble! | 1 |
318 | Gate | 1 |
318 | Gemblo | 1 |
318 | Genial | 1 |
318 | German Railways | 1 |
318 | Ginirommi | 1 |
318 | Grand Austria Hotel | 1 |
318 | Green Thumb Card Game | 1 |
318 | Grimdark Future: Firefight | 1 |
318 | Guards of Atlantis II: Tabletop MOBA | 1 |
318 | Guilds of London | 1 |
318 | Hadara | 1 |
318 | Hands in the Sea | 1 |
318 | Harry Potter Tietopeli | 1 |
318 | Heart of Darkness | 1 |
318 | Heaven & Ale | 1 |
318 | Heckmeck Junior | 1 |
318 | Helsinki 1918 | 1 |
318 | Here I Stand | 1 |
318 | Hero Realms | 1 |
318 | Hidden Leaders | 1 |
318 | High Frontier | 1 |
318 | High Society | 1 |
318 | Horrified | 1 |
318 | Hostage Negotiator | 1 |
318 | Human Punishment: Social Deduction 2.0 | 1 |
318 | Hungarian Rhapsody | 1 |
318 | Iberian Gauge | 1 |
318 | Ichigeki Heroes | 1 |
318 | iKnow | 1 |
318 | Imhotep | 1 |
318 | Imperial | 1 |
318 | Imperial Settlers | 1 |
318 | Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North | 1 |
318 | Imperium: The Contention | 1 |
318 | In the Year of the Dragon | 1 |
318 | Indian Summer | 1 |
318 | Indonesia | 1 |
318 | Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King | 1 |
318 | Jagged Alliance | 1 |
318 | Julius Caesar | 1 |
318 | Jurassic Parts | 1 |
318 | Jälkipeli | 1 |
318 | Jättipotti | 1 |
318 | Kalaha | 1 |
318 | Kanagawa | 1 |
318 | Kanban: Automotive Revolution | 1 |
318 | Karuba | 1 |
318 | Kasino | 1 |
318 | Kemet: Blood and Sand | 1 |
318 | Kiinan shakki | 1 |
318 | Kilpikonnakisa | 1 |
318 | King & Jester | 1 |
318 | King of New York | 1 |
318 | King of Tokyo | 1 |
318 | Kingdom Death: Monster | 1 |
318 | Klask | 1 |
318 | Korona | 1 |
318 | Kummitusportaat | 1 |
318 | La Granja | 1 |
318 | Labyrinth: War on Terror | 1 |
318 | Las Vegas | 1 |
318 | Last Message | 1 |
318 | Lawyer Up | 1 |
318 | Le Havre | 1 |
318 | Legacy of Dragonholt | 1 |
318 | Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game | 1 |
318 | Legendary: Marvel Deck-Building Game | 1 |
318 | Ligretto | 1 |
318 | Livingstone | 1 |
318 | Lohikäärmeen henkäys | 1 |
318 | Lord of the Rings: The Card Game | 1 |
318 | Lords of Vegas | 1 |
318 | Lost Cities | 1 |
318 | Maaginen labyrintti | 1 |
318 | Machi Koro | 1 |
318 | Madeira | 1 |
318 | Magic Maze | 1 |
318 | Magic Maze on Mars | 1 |
318 | Mandala | 1 |
318 | Mare Nostrum Empires | 1 |
318 | Mariposas | 1 |
318 | Master Mind | 1 |
318 | Mato mato | 1 |
318 | Meeple Land | 1 |
318 | Meltwater | 1 |
318 | Menara | 1 |
318 | Menolippu Pohjoismaat | 1 |
318 | Merchants & Marauders | 1 |
318 | Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game | 1 |
318 | Millennium Blades | 1 |
318 | Mombasa | 1 |
318 | Monopoly | 1 |
318 | Monopoly korttipeli | 1 |
318 | Monumental | 1 |
318 | Mottainai | 1 |
318 | Mr. Jack Pocket | 1 |
318 | Muuttuva Labyrintti | 1 |
318 | Myrmes | 1 |
318 | Mystic Vale | 1 |
318 | Myyräpeli | 1 |
318 | Napoleon's Triumph | 1 |
318 | Navegador | 1 |
318 | Nemo's War | 1 |
318 | Neuroshima Hex | 1 |
318 | New York Zoo | 1 |
318 | Night Clan | 1 |
318 | Night of the Living Dead: A Zombicide game | 1 |
318 | No Retreat! The Russian Front | 1 |
318 | No Thanks! | 1 |
318 | Notre Dame | 1 |
318 | Ohanami | 1 |
318 | On the Underground | 1 |
318 | On Tour | 1 |
318 | One Night Ultimate Werewolf | 1 |
318 | Onitama | 1 |
318 | Outlive | 1 |
318 | Paleo | 1 |
318 | Pan Am | 1 |
318 | Pandemic Hot Zone: Europe | 1 |
318 | Pandemic Iberia | 1 |
318 | Paranormal Detectives | 1 |
318 | Pathfinder Adventure Card Game | 1 |
318 | Paths of Glory | 1 |
318 | Pax Baltica | 1 |
318 | Pax Romana | 1 |
318 | Pearls | 1 |
318 | Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain | 1 |
318 | Perfect Alibi | 1 |
318 | Phase 10 | 1 |
318 | Pingwin (Hey, That's My Fish!) | 1 |
318 | Pipeline | 1 |
318 | PitchCar | 1 |
318 | Platoon Commander Deluxe: The Battle of Kursk | 1 |
318 | Point Salad | 1 |
318 | Pokémon TCG | 1 |
318 | Poland Defiant: The German Invasion, September 1939 | 1 |
318 | Ponzi Scheme | 1 |
318 | Potion Explosion | 1 |
318 | Progress: Evolution of Technology | 1 |
318 | Project: ELITE | 1 |
318 | Psycho Raiders | 1 |
318 | Pulsar 2849 | 1 |
318 | Quartermaster General | 1 |
318 | Quartermaster General WW2 | 1 |
318 | Qwinto | 1 |
318 | Qwirkle | 1 |
318 | Ra | 1 |
318 | Rage | 1 |
318 | Raptor | 1 |
318 | Re:Play | 1 |
318 | Red November | 1 |
318 | Red7 | 1 |
318 | Reef | 1 |
318 | Reiner Knizia's Decathlon | 1 |
318 | Repello | 1 |
318 | Ricochet Robot | 1 |
318 | Ride the Rails | 1 |
318 | Rise of Queensdale | 1 |
318 | Risk: The Lord of The Rings | 1 |
318 | Rurik: Dawn of Kiev | 1 |
318 | Salomo Raamattu-trivia | 1 |
318 | Sangoku! | 1 |
318 | Santorini | 1 |
318 | Sea of Legends | 1 |
318 | Seasons | 1 |
318 | Sentient | 1 |
318 | Shadowrun: Crossfire | 1 |
318 | Shadows of Brimstone | 1 |
318 | Shelfie Stacker | 1 |
318 | Sheriff of Nottingham | 1 |
318 | Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective | 1 |
318 | Sid Meier's Civilization: A New Dawn | 1 |
318 | Silencio | 1 |
318 | Skip-Bo | 1 |
318 | Skull | 1 |
318 | Skyjo | 1 |
318 | Slovenialainen tarok | 1 |
318 | Smartphone Inc. | 1 |
318 | SOS Titanic | 1 |
318 | Soviet Kitchen Unleashed | 1 |
318 | Space Base | 1 |
318 | Space Crusade | 1 |
318 | Space Explorers | 1 |
318 | Space Hulk: Death Angel | 1 |
318 | SpaceCorp: 2025-2300AD | 1 |
318 | Spicy | 1 |
318 | Spire's End | 1 |
318 | Spyrium | 1 |
318 | Star Realms | 1 |
318 | Star Wars Risk - The Reimagined Galactic Risk Game | 1 |
318 | Star Wars: Armada | 1 |
318 | Star Wars: Destiny | 1 |
318 | Star Wars: Outer Rim | 1 |
318 | Starfarers of Catan | 1 |
318 | String Railway | 1 |
318 | Sub Terra | 1 |
318 | Sushi Roll | 1 |
318 | Sword & Sorcery | 1 |
318 | Taco katti pukki juusto pizza | 1 |
318 | Takenoko | 1 |
318 | Tang Garden | 1 |
318 | Tarot (Tarok, Tarokk) | 1 |
318 | Taru sormusten herrasta (Lord of the Rings) | 1 |
318 | The Ark of the Covenant | 1 |
318 | The Battle of Blenheim, 1704 | 1 |
318 | The Captain is Dead | 1 |
318 | The Cost | 1 |
318 | The Fight: We gonna fight them all! | 1 |
318 | The Grimm Forest | 1 |
318 | The Grizzled | 1 |
318 | The Magnificent | 1 |
318 | The Manhattan Project | 1 |
318 | The Mind | 1 |
318 | The Palace of Mad King Ludwig | 1 |
318 | The Whatnot Cabinet | 1 |
318 | The World Cup Game | 1 |
318 | Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization | 1 |
318 | Thunder Alley | 1 |
318 | Thunderstone Quest | 1 |
318 | Ticket to Ride: London | 1 |
318 | Ticket to Ride: Rails & Sails | 1 |
318 | Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef | 1 |
318 | Tortuga 1667 | 1 |
318 | Tournament at Camelot | 1 |
318 | Traffic Jam | 1 |
318 | Trains | 1 |
318 | Trickerion | 1 |
318 | Trivial Pursuit | 1 |
318 | Tsuro | 1 |
318 | Tulip Bubble | 1 |
318 | Type 7 | 1 |
318 | Ubongo | 1 |
318 | Ultimate Werewolf | 1 |
318 | Unfair | 1 |
318 | Vegas | 1 |
318 | Velhojen yö | 1 |
318 | Village | 1 |
318 | Village Attacks | 1 |
318 | Villagers | 1 |
318 | Virus | 1 |
318 | Vuoto | 1 |
318 | War Chest | 1 |
318 | Warfighter: WWII | 1 |
318 | Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team | 1 |
318 | Warhammer 40000 | 1 |
318 | Warhammer Fantasy Battle | 1 |
318 | Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress | 1 |
318 | Watergate | 1 |
318 | Waterloo 1815 | 1 |
318 | Watson & Holmes | 1 |
318 | Werewords Deluxe Edition | 1 |
318 | Whitehall Mystery | 1 |
318 | Who Did It? | 1 |
318 | Wildlands | 1 |
318 | Wings of Glory | 1 |
318 | World in Flames: Collector's Edition | 1 |
318 | World of Warcraft: The Boardgame | 1 |
318 | Yahtzee | 1 |
318 | Zombicide | 1 |
318 | Zombicide (2nd edition) | 1 |
318 | Zombicide: Invader | 1 |