Vuosiäänestys keräsi tänä vuonna hienot lukemat. Äänestäjiä oli toiseksi eniten koskaan eli 340. Ääniä annettiin 2092 eli yli kuusi ääntä äänestäjää kohden ja ne hajautuivat 642:lle pelille, joka on todella reippaalla marginaalilla uusi ennätys. Tässä kohtaa on havaittavissa selvä nouseva trendi.
Kisa oli kärjen osalta erittäin tasainen. Voittajaksi valikoitui lopulta Carcassonne kahden äänen erolla kakkossijaan. Viiden kärki mahtui kolmen äänen sisälle, eli voittaja olisi pienellä muutoksella voinut olla mikä tahansa kärkiviisikosta. Carcassonne on aina pärjännyt hyvin, mutta edellisestä voitosta on jo aikaa: viimeksi Carcassonne oli ykkösenä vuonna 2005.
Vahva uutuusvuosi
On helppo sanoa, että 2016 oli hyvä uutuusvuosi. Pitkään näytti, että kisan voittajaksi saadaan uutuuspeli: Terraforming Mars oli ääntenlaskun alkuvaiheessa johdossa. Peli joutui kuitenkin tyytymään jaettuun kakkossijaan. Great Western Trail mahtui myös kärkikymppiin, eikä sijalta 12 löytyvä Mechs vs Minions jäänyt kauas.
Viime vuoden uutuuksista 7 Wonders Duel jatkaa erittäin vahvaa menestystä, pärjäten hyvinkin tasaveroisesti alkuperäisen 7 Wondersin kanssa. Pandemic Legacyn äänimäärä puolittui: ei-fanit eivät ole vieläkään innostuneet ja fanit lienevät jo pelanneen kampanjan ja odottelevat jo kakkoskautta.
Viime vuoden Vuoden strategiapeli Castles of Mad King Ludwig paransi asemiaan viime vuodesta, kenties juuri Vuoden peli -voiton siivittämänä. Vuoden perhepeli Otrio sai pari ääntä, Vuoden partypeli Kivi yhden äänen ja Vuoden lastenpeli Muumipeikon kalaretki jäi pisteittä.
Tämän vuoden Spiel des Jahres -voittajista parhaiten pärjäsi Kingdomino viidellä äänellään. Exit: The Game sai tyytyä yhteen ja Ice Cool jäi pisteittä. Viime vuoden Codenames keräsi yhä hyvän äänisaaliin, Isle of Skye teki myös kelpo suorituksen.
Putoajia, nousijoita ja niin edelleen
Mansions of Madnessin fanit ovat siirtyneet hyvin vahvasti toisen laitoksen pariin. Through the Agesin kohdalla on myös selvästi siirrytty uuteen laitokseen.
Race for the Galaxyn hiipuminen jatkuu. Aikaisemmin yksinomaan top-kympissä viihtynyt peli putosi viime vuonna 18. sijalle ja oli nyt 47. – tänä vuonna notkahti myös Roll for the Galaxy, joten äänet eivät menneet ainakaan sinne.
Nousujohteiselle uralle on lähtenyt ainakin Viticulture, joka nousi jostain sadannen sijan tuolta puolen neljänkymmenen parhaan joukkoon.
Mitään kovin merkittäviä listalta karsiutumisia ei nähty.
Sija | Peli | Äänet |
1 | Carcassonne | 40 |
2 | Agricola | 38 |
2 | Terraforming Mars | 38 |
4 | Dominion – Valtakunta | 37 |
4 | Eclipse | 37 |
6 | 7 Wonders | 31 |
7 | 7 Wonders Duel | 29 |
7 | Castles of Mad King Ludwig | 29 |
9 | Great Western Trail | 24 |
9 | Love Letter | 24 |
11 | Ticket to Ride | 22 |
12 | Mechs vs Minions | 21 |
12 | Port Royal | 21 |
12 | Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization | 21 |
15 | Eldritch Horror | 20 |
15 | Scythe | 20 |
17 | Power Grid | 19 |
18 | A Feast for Odin | 17 |
18 | Codenames | 17 |
18 | Mysterium | 17 |
18 | Pandemic | 17 |
18 | Terra Mystica | 17 |
23 | Mansions of Madness (2nd edition) | 16 |
23 | Patchwork | 16 |
25 | Arkham Horror: The Card Game | 15 |
25 | Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game | 15 |
25 | Flamme Rouge | 15 |
25 | Lords of Waterdeep | 15 |
25 | Star Realms | 15 |
25 | Viticulture | 15 |
31 | Bohnanza | 14 |
31 | Caverna: The Cave Farmers | 14 |
31 | Honshu | 14 |
31 | Star Wars: Imperial Assault | 14 |
31 | Star Wars: Rebellion | 14 |
36 | Gloomhaven | 13 |
36 | Mage Knight Board Game | 13 |
36 | Ticket to Ride Europe | 13 |
39 | Catan | 12 |
39 | Puerto Rico | 12 |
39 | Twilight Struggle | 12 |
42 | Istanbul | 11 |
42 | Pandemic Legacy: Season 1 | 11 |
42 | Splendor | 11 |
42 | The Voyages of Marco Polo | 11 |
42 | Tichu | 11 |
47 | Cosmic Encounter (Universumin valtiaat) | 10 |
47 | Dale of Merchants | 10 |
47 | Hero Realms | 10 |
47 | King of Tokyo | 10 |
47 | Race for the Galaxy | 10 |
47 | Small World | 10 |
47 | The Castles of Burgundy | 10 |
54 | Arkham Horror | 9 |
54 | Colt Express | 9 |
54 | Keyflower | 9 |
57 | Concordia | 8 |
57 | Dixit | 8 |
57 | Hanabi | 8 |
57 | Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King | 8 |
57 | Roll for the Galaxy | 8 |
57 | Santorini | 8 |
57 | Secret Hitler | 8 |
57 | Stone Age – Kivikausi | 8 |
57 | T.I.M.E Stories | 8 |
57 | The Grizzled | 8 |
67 | Alhambra | 7 |
67 | Brass: Lancashire | 7 |
67 | Chaos in the Old World | 7 |
67 | Citadels | 7 |
67 | Galaxy Trucker | 7 |
67 | Inis | 7 |
67 | Suburbia | 7 |
74 | Blood Rage | 6 |
74 | Clank! | 6 |
74 | Magic: The Gathering | 6 |
74 | Nations | 6 |
74 | Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island | 6 |
74 | Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective | 6 |
74 | Tigris & Euphrates | 6 |
74 | Tokaido | 6 |
74 | Troyes | 6 |
74 | War of the Ring | 6 |
84 | 7th Continent | 5 |
84 | Blood Bowl | 5 |
84 | Camel Cup | 5 |
84 | Coup | 5 |
84 | Deception: Murder in Hong Kong | 5 |
84 | Five Tribes | 5 |
84 | Food Chain Magnate | 5 |
84 | Jaipur | 5 |
84 | Kemet | 5 |
84 | Kingdomino | 5 |
84 | Monopoly | 5 |
84 | Muuttuva Labyrintti | 5 |
84 | Roborally | 5 |
84 | Seasons | 5 |
84 | Steam | 5 |
84 | The Great Dalmuti | 5 |
84 | The Resistance: Avalon | 5 |
84 | Tiny Epic Galaxies | 5 |
84 | Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar | 5 |
103 | Aeon's End | 4 |
103 | Age of Steam | 4 |
103 | Android: Netrunner | 4 |
103 | Bang! The dice game | 4 |
103 | Battle Line | 4 |
103 | Battlestar Galactica | 4 |
103 | Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game | 4 |
103 | Captain Sonar | 4 |
103 | Cards Against Humanity | 4 |
103 | Caylus | 4 |
103 | El Grande | 4 |
103 | Escape: The Curse of the Temple | 4 |
103 | Forbidden Stars | 4 |
103 | Fury of Dracula | 4 |
103 | Glass Road | 4 |
103 | Hero Quest | 4 |
103 | Huhupuheita | 4 |
103 | Imperial Settlers | 4 |
103 | Munchkin | 4 |
103 | Nations: The Dice Game | 4 |
103 | New Angeles | 4 |
103 | Notre Dame | 4 |
103 | Orléans | 4 |
103 | Potion Explosion | 4 |
103 | Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game | 4 |
103 | Takenoko | 4 |
103 | Ubongo | 4 |
103 | Vast: Crystal Caverns | 4 |
103 | XCOM: The Board Game | 4 |
132 | 1822: The Railways of Great Britain | 3 |
132 | 18OE | 3 |
132 | 6 Nimmt! | 3 |
132 | Afrikan tähti | 3 |
132 | Aikamatka: Suomi | 3 |
132 | Alchemists | 3 |
132 | Antiquity | 3 |
132 | Bang! | 3 |
132 | Best Treehouse Ever | 3 |
132 | Betrayal at the House on the Hill | 3 |
132 | Blokus | 3 |
132 | Carcassonne: Etelämeri | 3 |
132 | Champions of Midgard | 3 |
132 | Conan | 3 |
132 | Conflict of Heroes | 3 |
132 | Dungeon Lords | 3 |
132 | Dungeon Rush | 3 |
132 | Fauna | 3 |
132 | Firefly: The Game | 3 |
132 | Flash Point: Fire Rescue | 3 |
132 | Ghost Stories | 3 |
132 | Guillotine | 3 |
132 | Herbaceous | 3 |
132 | High Frontier | 3 |
132 | Indonesia | 3 |
132 | Kadonnut kaupunki | 3 |
132 | Kingdom Builder | 3 |
132 | Kingdom Death: Monster | 3 |
132 | La Granja | 3 |
132 | Le Havre | 3 |
132 | Lord of the Rings: The Card Game | 3 |
132 | Mahjong | 3 |
132 | Memoir '44 | 3 |
132 | Mice and Mystics | 3 |
132 | Modern Art | 3 |
132 | Ora et Labora | 3 |
132 | Pandemic Iberia | 3 |
132 | Pikku Prinssi: Tee minulle planeetta | 3 |
132 | Red November | 3 |
132 | Samurai | 3 |
132 | Smash Up | 3 |
132 | Space Alert | 3 |
132 | Spirit Island | 3 |
132 | Spyfall | 3 |
132 | Sushi Go! | 3 |
132 | Terra | 3 |
132 | This War of Mine | 3 |
132 | Twilight Imperium (3. laitos) | 3 |
132 | UNO | 3 |
132 | Vampire: The Eternal Struggle | 3 |
132 | Village | 3 |
132 | Yokohama | 3 |
132 | Zombicide: Black Plague | 3 |
185 | 1817 | 2 |
185 | 1846: The Race for the Midwest | 2 |
185 | 1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties | 2 |
185 | 1989: Dawn of Freedom | 2 |
185 | 5 Minute Dungeon | 2 |
185 | A Game of Thrones | 2 |
185 | Advanced Squad Leader | 2 |
185 | Age of Empires III | 2 |
185 | Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small | 2 |
185 | Alias | 2 |
185 | Atlantis 30th Anniversary Edition | 2 |
185 | Automania | 2 |
185 | Battle Sheep | 2 |
185 | Beyond Baker Street | 2 |
185 | Blood Bound | 2 |
185 | Bora Bora | 2 |
185 | Bärenpark | 2 |
185 | Cacao | 2 |
185 | Carcassonne: Star Wars | 2 |
185 | Cash 'n Guns | 2 |
185 | Celestia | 2 |
185 | Chicago & NorthWestern | 2 |
185 | Chinatown | 2 |
185 | Combat Commander: Europe | 2 |
185 | Cottage Garden | 2 |
185 | Crusader Rex | 2 |
185 | Cthulhu Wars | 2 |
185 | Dark Souls: The Board Game | 2 |
185 | Descent: Journeys in the Dark | 2 |
185 | Dobble | 2 |
185 | Dokmus | 2 |
185 | Doom Lautapeli | 2 |
185 | Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Ashardalon Board Game | 2 |
185 | EastFront II | 2 |
185 | Elder Sign | 2 |
185 | Eläinpyramidi | 2 |
185 | First Class: All Aboard the Orient Express | 2 |
185 | Fresko | 2 |
185 | Ginkgopolis | 2 |
185 | Gloom | 2 |
185 | Go | 2 |
185 | Grand Austria Hotel | 2 |
185 | Hands in the Sea | 2 |
185 | Harry Potter: Hogwarts Battle | 2 |
185 | Imperial | 2 |
185 | Imperial 2030 | 2 |
185 | Jamaica | 2 |
185 | Kanban: Automotive Revolution | 2 |
185 | Karuba | 2 |
185 | Keltis | 2 |
185 | Key to the City – London | 2 |
185 | Kingsburg | 2 |
185 | Klask | 2 |
185 | Linko! | 2 |
185 | London | 2 |
185 | Lost Cities | 2 |
185 | Magic The Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalkers | 2 |
185 | Mega Civilization | 2 |
185 | Merchants & Marauders | 2 |
185 | Merkator | 2 |
185 | Millennium Blades | 2 |
185 | Mint Works | 2 |
185 | Mombasa | 2 |
185 | Monikers | 2 |
185 | Monopoly Deal | 2 |
185 | Near and Far | 2 |
185 | Neuroshima Hex | 2 |
185 | Nexus Ops | 2 |
185 | No Thanks! | 2 |
185 | Not Alone | 2 |
185 | Otrio | 2 |
185 | Paris Connection | 2 |
185 | PitchCar | 2 |
185 | Ponzi Scheme | 2 |
185 | Princes of Florence | 2 |
185 | Qin | 2 |
185 | Quadropolis | 2 |
185 | Quartermaster General: 1914 | 2 |
185 | Ra | 2 |
185 | Raptor | 2 |
185 | Rum & Bones: Second Tide | 2 |
185 | Saboteur+ | 2 |
185 | Sails of Glory | 2 |
185 | Saint Petersburg | 2 |
185 | Salaisuuksien saari (Forbidden Island) | 2 |
185 | Samurai Sword | 2 |
185 | Scrabble | 2 |
185 | SeaFall | 2 |
185 | Shadowrun: Crossfire | 2 |
185 | Sheriff of Nottingham | 2 |
185 | Space Hulk: Death Angel | 2 |
185 | Spartacus | 2 |
185 | Star Wars: Armada Miniature Game | 2 |
185 | Steampunk Rally | 2 |
185 | Summoner Wars | 2 |
185 | Sushi Go Party | 2 |
185 | Tarot (Tarok, Tarokk) | 2 |
185 | The Manhattan Project | 2 |
185 | The Resistance | 2 |
185 | Tragedy Looper | 2 |
185 | Trains | 2 |
185 | Trickerion | 2 |
185 | Triumph & Tragedy | 2 |
185 | Trivial Pursuit | 2 |
185 | Unlock! | 2 |
185 | Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game | 2 |
185 | Watson & Holmes: From the Diaries of 221B | 2 |
292 | 1754 Conquest: The French and Indian War | 1 |
292 | 1800 | 1 |
292 | 1830: Railways and Robber Barons | 1 |
292 | 1844 | 1 |
292 | 1856 | 1 |
292 | 18XX | 1 |
292 | 504 | 1 |
292 | 51st State Master Set | 1 |
292 | A Few Acres of Snow | 1 |
292 | A Game of Thrones: The Card Game | 1 |
292 | Aavikon karavaanit | 1 |
292 | Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #1 | 1 |
292 | Afrikan tähti: Retkikunnat | 1 |
292 | Age of Thieves | 1 |
292 | Akrotiri | 1 |
292 | Alcatraz | 1 |
292 | Alien Frontiers | 1 |
292 | Amerigo | 1 |
292 | Amun-Re | 1 |
292 | Anachrony | 1 |
292 | Angola | 1 |
292 | Animal Mind | 1 |
292 | Archipelago | 1 |
292 | Areena – Titaanien taisto | 1 |
292 | Aronda | 1 |
292 | Arvuutin | 1 |
292 | Ashes: The Rise of the Phoenixborn | 1 |
292 | At the Gates of Loyang | 1 |
292 | Aventuria | 1 |
292 | Axis & Allies: 1942 | 1 |
292 | BattleCon: Devastation of the Indines | 1 |
292 | Beast Master Tale | 1 |
292 | Biblios | 1 |
292 | Big Book of Madness | 1 |
292 | BIOS: Megafauna | 1 |
292 | Black Spy | 1 |
292 | Blood Bowl (2016 edition) | 1 |
292 | Bluff (Call My Bluff, Liar’s Dice) | 1 |
292 | Bonk | 1 |
292 | Brew Crafters | 1 |
292 | Bruxelles 1893 | 1 |
292 | Burger Up | 1 |
292 | Burgle Bros. | 1 |
292 | Burke's Gambit | 1 |
292 | Canyon | 1 |
292 | Capital | 1 |
292 | Carcassonne Korttipeli | 1 |
292 | Carcassonne: Amazonas | 1 |
292 | Carcassonne: Kivikausi (Hunters & Gatherers) | 1 |
292 | Carcassonne: The Castle | 1 |
292 | Cartagena | 1 |
292 | Cat Box | 1 |
292 | Cat Tower | 1 |
292 | Caverna: Cave vs Cave | 1 |
292 | Century: Spice Road | 1 |
292 | Chocobo's Crystal Hunt | 1 |
292 | Chrononauts | 1 |
292 | Churchill | 1 |
292 | Cluedo | 1 |
292 | Cluedo jr | 1 |
292 | CO2 | 1 |
292 | Coal Baron | 1 |
292 | Code 777 / Tricoda | 1 |
292 | Codenames Pictures | 1 |
292 | Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War, 1954-62 | 1 |
292 | Colony | 1 |
292 | Colosseum | 1 |
292 | Columbus | 1 |
292 | Comanchería: The Rise and Fall of the Comanche Empire | 1 |
292 | Commands & Colors: Ancients | 1 |
292 | Commands & Colors: Napoleonics | 1 |
292 | Compatibility | 1 |
292 | Concept | 1 |
292 | Condottiere | 1 |
292 | Crisis | 1 |
292 | Cry Havoc | 1 |
292 | Cthulhu Realms | 1 |
292 | Cuba Libre | 1 |
292 | CV | 1 |
292 | Cyclades | 1 |
292 | Dawn of the Zeds (3rd edition) | 1 |
292 | Dead of Winter: The Long Night | 1 |
292 | Deep Sea Adventure | 1 |
292 | Deus | 1 |
292 | Dominant Species | 1 |
292 | Domino | 1 |
292 | Don't mess with Cthulhu | 1 |
292 | Dungeon Petz | 1 |
292 | Dungeon Roll | 1 |
292 | Dungeons & Dragons: The Legend of Drizzt Board Game | 1 |
292 | Earth Reborn | 1 |
292 | Element | 1 |
292 | Eminent Domain | 1 |
292 | Escape from Colditz | 1 |
292 | Escape from the Aliens in Outer Space | 1 |
292 | Ethnos | 1 |
292 | Evo | 1 |
292 | Evolution: Climate | 1 |
292 | Exit: The Game | 1 |
292 | Exploding Kittens | 1 |
292 | Fairy Tale | 1 |
292 | Falling Sky: The Gallic Revolt Against Caesar | 1 |
292 | Fields of Arle | 1 |
292 | Fire in the Sky | 1 |
292 | Flames of War | 1 |
292 | Fleet Commander | 1 |
292 | Fleißige Bienen | 1 |
292 | Fluxx | 1 |
292 | For Sale | 1 |
292 | Formula D | 1 |
292 | Formula Dé | 1 |
292 | Francis Drake | 1 |
292 | Freedom: The Underground Railroad | 1 |
292 | Fresh Fish | 1 |
292 | Fugitive | 1 |
292 | Funemployed | 1 |
292 | Fungi | 1 |
292 | Game of Life | 1 |
292 | Gang of Four | 1 |
292 | Genial | 1 |
292 | Glen More | 1 |
292 | Globalissimo | 1 |
292 | Gloria Mundi | 1 |
292 | Goa | 1 |
292 | Gold Armada | 1 |
292 | Good Cop, Bad Cop | 1 |
292 | Great Boy the Game - Chapter 1 - Elijah & the Ravens | 1 |
292 | Greed | 1 |
292 | Greed, Incorporated | 1 |
292 | Grifters | 1 |
292 | Haaste | 1 |
292 | Hammer of the Scots | 1 |
292 | Hansa Teutonica | 1 |
292 | Hawaii | 1 |
292 | Heart of Crown | 1 |
292 | Hedelmätarha | 1 |
292 | Here I Stand | 1 |
292 | HeroScape | 1 |
292 | High Society | 1 |
292 | Hive | 1 |
292 | Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth | 1 |
292 | Ichigeki Heroes | 1 |
292 | Imagine | 1 |
292 | Imhotep | 1 |
292 | In the Year of the Dragon | 1 |
292 | Inkan aarre | 1 |
292 | Innovation | 1 |
292 | Invention | 1 |
292 | J'Accuse | 1 |
292 | Joking Hazard | 1 |
292 | Joss Whedon's Serenity | 1 |
292 | Jump Drive | 1 |
292 | Kashgar | 1 |
292 | Kepler 3042 | 1 |
292 | Kill Doctor Lucky | 1 |
292 | Kilpikonnakisa | 1 |
292 | Kingsport Festival | 1 |
292 | Kivi | 1 |
292 | Knit Wit | 1 |
292 | Kremlin | 1 |
292 | Krosmaster: Arena | 1 |
292 | Kummitusportaat | 1 |
292 | La Città | 1 |
292 | Labyrinth: War on Terror | 1 |
292 | Ladies & Gentlemen | 1 |
292 | Last Panther (Mü & Mehr) | 1 |
292 | Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game | 1 |
292 | Legendary: Marvel Deck-Building Game | 1 |
292 | Leo menee parturiin | 1 |
292 | Letters from Whitechapel | 1 |
292 | Lewis & Clark | 1 |
292 | Libertalia | 1 |
292 | London Dread | 1 |
292 | Looping Louie | 1 |
292 | Lord of the Rings - Strategy Battle Game | 1 |
292 | Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation | 1 |
292 | Lords of Vegas | 1 |
292 | Lorenzo il Magnifico | 1 |
292 | Luna | 1 |
292 | Maailman eläimet | 1 |
292 | Madeira | 1 |
292 | Mage Wars | 1 |
292 | Mall of Horror | 1 |
292 | Mallorca | 1 |
292 | Man O War | 1 |
292 | Manhattan Project: Energy Empire | 1 |
292 | Manila | 1 |
292 | Mansions of Madness | 1 |
292 | Marrying Mr. Darcy | 1 |
292 | Marvel Dice Masters | 1 |
292 | Massive Darkness | 1 |
292 | Master of movies | 1 |
292 | MBT (Second edition) | 1 |
292 | Menolippu Korttipeli | 1 |
292 | Menolippu Pohjoismaat | 1 |
292 | Merirosvopoukama (Pirate's Cove) | 1 |
292 | Middle-Earth Quest | 1 |
292 | Mission: Red Planet | 1 |
292 | Mr. Jack | 1 |
292 | Mr. Jack Pocket | 1 |
292 | Munchkin Quest | 1 |
292 | Mush Mush | 1 |
292 | Mü & More (Mü & Mehr) | 1 |
292 | Mykerinos | 1 |
292 | Myth | 1 |
292 | Navegador | 1 |
292 | Netrunner | 1 |
292 | New Bedford | 1 |
292 | New York 1901 | 1 |
292 | Nuclear War | 1 |
292 | Oh My Goods! | 1 |
292 | On the Edge | 1 |
292 | On the Underground | 1 |
292 | One Night Ultimate Alien | 1 |
292 | One Night Ultimate Werewolf | 1 |
292 | Onirim | 1 |
292 | Oregon | 1 |
292 | Othello | 1 |
292 | Panamax | 1 |
292 | Pandabo | 1 |
292 | Pathfinder Adventure Card Game | 1 |
292 | Paths of Glory | 1 |
292 | Pax Renaissance | 1 |
292 | Pax Romana | 1 |
292 | Peikkopolku | 1 |
292 | Pekingin Mysteerit | 1 |
292 | Pokémon TCG | 1 |
292 | Poliittisesti Epäkorrektia | 1 |
292 | Pompeji | 1 |
292 | Poseidon | 1 |
292 | Power Grid Korttipeli | 1 |
292 | Power Grid: Factory Manager | 1 |
292 | Pylos | 1 |
292 | Quantum | 1 |
292 | Quartermaster General | 1 |
292 | Ra: The Dice Game | 1 |
292 | Raiders of the North Sea | 1 |
292 | Railroad Tycoon | 1 |
292 | Rappakalja | 1 |
292 | Rappakalja Extreme | 1 |
292 | Red Dragon Inn | 1 |
292 | Red7 | 1 |
292 | Risk | 1 |
292 | Risk: Star Wars Edition | 1 |
292 | Roads & Boats | 1 |
292 | Robogem | 1 |
292 | Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age | 1 |
292 | Round House | 1 |
292 | Rune Age | 1 |
292 | Runebound (2nd ed.) | 1 |
292 | Runebound (3rd edition) | 1 |
292 | Russian Railroads | 1 |
292 | Sagrada | 1 |
292 | Saloon Tycoon | 1 |
292 | Samba | 1 |
292 | Samurai Spirit | 1 |
292 | Sanamania | 1 |
292 | Sea of Clouds | 1 |
292 | Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan | 1 |
292 | Sentinels of the Multiverse | 1 |
292 | Seven Dragons | 1 |
292 | Shadow Hunters | 1 |
292 | Shadows of Brimstone | 1 |
292 | Shadows over Camelot | 1 |
292 | Shakki | 1 |
292 | Shakkis | 1 |
292 | Shogun | 1 |
292 | Sinkki | 1 |
292 | Skip-Bo | 1 |
292 | Snowdonia | 1 |
292 | Solo | 1 |
292 | Space Hulk | 1 |
292 | Specter Ops | 1 |
292 | Spyrium | 1 |
292 | Star Wars: The Card Game | 1 |
292 | StarCraft: The Board Game | 1 |
292 | Steam Park | 1 |
292 | String Railway | 1 |
292 | Stronghold | 1 |
292 | Stronghold 2nd edition | 1 |
292 | Taivaan pilarit (Pillars of the Earth) | 1 |
292 | Taj Mahal | 1 |
292 | Take It Easy | 1 |
292 | Talisman | 1 |
292 | Taluva | 1 |
292 | Tanto Cuore | 1 |
292 | Taru sormusten herrasta (Lord of the Rings) | 1 |
292 | Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends | 1 |
292 | Tatsu | 1 |
292 | Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles: Shadows of the Past | 1 |
292 | Tempo | 1 |
292 | Terapia | 1 |
292 | The Butterfly Garden | 1 |
292 | The Castles of Burgundy Card Game | 1 |
292 | The Colonists | 1 |
292 | The Gallerist | 1 |
292 | The Game | 1 |
292 | The Godfather: Corleone's Empire | 1 |
292 | The Great Zimbabwe | 1 |
292 | The Others: 7 sins | 1 |
292 | The Pursuit Of Happiness | 1 |
292 | Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization | 1 |
292 | Thunder Alley | 1 |
292 | Thunderbirds | 1 |
292 | Thurn und Taxis | 1 |
292 | Tiedolla tai tuurilla (Wits & Wagers) | 1 |
292 | Tikal | 1 |
292 | Timeline | 1 |
292 | Tin Goose | 1 |
292 | Tiny Epic Kingdoms | 1 |
292 | Trambahn | 1 |
292 | Tramways | 1 |
292 | TransEuropa+ | 1 |
292 | Trixit | 1 |
292 | Tuppi | 1 |
292 | Twinny | 1 |
292 | Two Rooms and a Boom | 1 |
292 | Tyrants of the Underdark | 1 |
292 | Ubongo Duel | 1 |
292 | Ubongo Trigo | 1 |
292 | Uglydoll | 1 |
292 | Unfair | 1 |
292 | Unspeakable Words | 1 |
292 | Valley of the Kings: Afterlife | 1 |
292 | Villin Lännen Poppamies | 1 |
292 | Virgin Queen | 1 |
292 | Vuodenajat | 1 |
292 | Vuonna 85 | 1 |
292 | Waggle Dance | 1 |
292 | Wallenstein | 1 |
292 | Warhammer 40000 | 1 |
292 | Warhammer Quest | 1 |
292 | Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower | 1 |
292 | Warhammer: Invasion | 1 |
292 | Welcome Back to the Dungeon | 1 |
292 | Wellington | 1 |
292 | Wilderness War | 1 |
292 | WitchHunt | 1 |
292 | World of Yo-Ho | 1 |
292 | Xia: Legends of a Drift System | 1 |
292 | Yahtzee | 1 |
292 | Yedo | 1 |
292 | Z War One: Damnation | 1 |
292 | Zombicide | 1 |