Vuosiäänestyksen äänestäjämäärä nousi kymmenellä viime vuodesta, eli äänestäjiä oli 201 ja ääniä annettiin 1232.
Voittajan suhteen ei tapahtunut muutosta. Eclipse veti lopulta selkeän etumatkan. 7 Wonders johti alussa pitkään, mutta joutui lopulta tyytymään jaettuun kakkossijaan Dominionin kanssa.
Vuoden uutuudet
Vuoden paras uutuus löytyy tuloslistan jaetulta kuudennelta sijalta. Castles of Mad King Ludwig ei yllättänyt minua millään tavalla, sen verran suosittu peli se on ollut. Muita menestyjiä uutuuksista olivat Dead of Winter ja Star Wars: Imperial Assault.
Splendor nappasi viime vuonna varaslähdönomaisesti joitakin ääniä, mutta yleisempään jakeluun peli tuli vasta loppuvuodesta. Niinpä se pääsi varsinaisesti juhlimaan listoilla vasta tänä vuonna. Tulokset puhuvat puolestaan: viides sija on komea tulos ja osoittaa, että Splendorissa on potkua.
Love Letterin menestys mietitytti viime vuonna ja oli mukava huomata, että tämä laatufilleri jatkoi hyvää kulkuaan mahtuen edelleen kymmenen kärkeen.
Spiel des Jahres -voittajien kehno menestys jatkuu. Camel Cup ei juhlinut tälläkään kertaa, eikä tämänvuotinen Colt Expresskään napannut kuin muutaman äänen. Vuoden peli -osastolta Splendor eli viime vuoden vuoden aikuistenpeli menestyi poikkeuksellisen hienosti, Battle Sheep sen sijaan ei pärjännyt laisinkaan. Tämän vuoden Vuoden pelit saivat kaikki muutamia ääniä.
Perinteisistä kärkipeleistä alusta asti tuloslistoilla ollut Carcassonne notkahti ensimmäistä kertaa ikinä kymmenen kärjen ulkopuolelle. Kahdesta äänestä jäi kiinni, eli menee sattuman piikkiin. Viime vuonna top-kympissä debytoinut Caverna jäi nyt kauas kärjestä. Agricola on siis tämän pelisuvun ykkönen.
Äänestyksen tulokset
Sija | Peli | Äänet |
1 | Eclipse | 36 |
2 | 7 Wonders | 31 |
2 | Dominion – Valtakunta | 31 |
4 | Power Grid | 23 |
5 | Splendor | 21 |
6 | Agricola | 20 |
6 | Castles of Mad King Ludwig | 20 |
6 | Terra Mystica | 20 |
9 | Love Letter | 19 |
10 | Race for the Galaxy | 18 |
10 | Ticket to Ride | 18 |
12 | Carcassonne | 16 |
12 | Dead of Winter: A Crossroads Game | 16 |
14 | Star Realms | 15 |
14 | Star Wars: Imperial Assault | 15 |
14 | Village | 15 |
17 | Catan | 14 |
18 | Eldritch Horror | 13 |
18 | Small World | 13 |
20 | Galaxy Trucker | 12 |
20 | Puerto Rico | 12 |
20 | Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization | 12 |
20 | Tichu | 12 |
24 | Roll for the Galaxy | 11 |
25 | Arkham Horror | 10 |
25 | Battlestar Galactica | 10 |
25 | Dixit | 10 |
25 | Kingdom Builder | 10 |
25 | Suburbia | 10 |
25 | Twilight Struggle | 10 |
31 | Caverna: The Cave Farmers | 9 |
31 | Memoir '44 | 9 |
31 | The Resistance: Avalon | 9 |
34 | Mage Knight Board Game | 8 |
34 | One Night Ultimate Werewolf | 8 |
34 | Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game | 8 |
37 | Blood Bowl: Team Manager – The Card Game | 7 |
37 | Five Tribes | 7 |
37 | Hanabi | 7 |
37 | Istanbul | 7 |
37 | Nations | 7 |
37 | Pathfinder Adventure Card Game | 7 |
43 | Caylus | 6 |
43 | Cosmic Encounter (Universumin valtiaat) | 6 |
43 | Coup | 6 |
43 | King of Tokyo | 6 |
43 | Lords of Waterdeep | 6 |
43 | Nations: The Dice Game | 6 |
43 | Robinson Crusoe: Adventure on the Cursed Island | 6 |
43 | Sheriff of Nottingham | 6 |
43 | Stone Age – Kivikausi | 6 |
43 | The Resistance | 6 |
43 | The Voyages of Marco Polo | 6 |
43 | Ticket to Ride Europe | 6 |
55 | 1862: Railway Mania in the Eastern Counties | 5 |
55 | A Game of Thrones | 5 |
55 | Bohnanza | 5 |
55 | Coco Loco | 5 |
55 | Imperial Settlers | 5 |
55 | Magic: The Gathering | 5 |
55 | Notre Dame | 5 |
55 | Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective | 5 |
63 | Alchemists | 4 |
63 | Brass: Lancashire | 4 |
63 | Colt Express | 4 |
63 | Forbidden Stars | 4 |
63 | Ghost Stories | 4 |
63 | Keyflower | 4 |
63 | Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game | 4 |
63 | Monopoly | 4 |
63 | Pandemic | 4 |
63 | Patchistory | 4 |
63 | Space Alert | 4 |
63 | Spyfall | 4 |
63 | The Castles of Burgundy | 4 |
63 | Twilight Imperium (3. laitos) | 4 |
77 | 6 Nimmt! | 3 |
77 | Attika | 3 |
77 | Battle Sheep | 3 |
77 | Boss Monster | 3 |
77 | Camel Cup | 3 |
77 | Cards Against Humanity | 3 |
77 | Commands & Colors: Ancients | 3 |
77 | Concept | 3 |
77 | Diamant | 3 |
77 | Fauna | 3 |
77 | Fields of Arle | 3 |
77 | Fire in the Lake | 3 |
77 | Gang of Four | 3 |
77 | Huhupuheita | 3 |
77 | In the Year of the Dragon | 3 |
77 | Kilpikonnakisa | 3 |
77 | King of New York | 3 |
77 | Legendary: Marvel Deck-Building Game | 3 |
77 | Lewis & Clark | 3 |
77 | Mansions of Madness | 3 |
77 | Merchants & Marauders | 3 |
77 | Mice and Mystics | 3 |
77 | Munchkin | 3 |
77 | Patchwork | 3 |
77 | Paths of Glory | 3 |
77 | Port Royal | 3 |
77 | Quantum | 3 |
77 | Quartermaster General | 3 |
77 | Roborally | 3 |
77 | Saboteur+ | 3 |
77 | Samurai | 3 |
77 | Shadows over Camelot | 3 |
77 | Stich-Meister | 3 |
77 | Summoner Wars | 3 |
77 | Tikal | 3 |
77 | Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar | 3 |
77 | War of the Ring | 3 |
77 | Warhammer 40000 | 3 |
115 | 1817 | 2 |
115 | 1861 | 2 |
115 | Age of Renaissance | 2 |
115 | Age of Steam | 2 |
115 | Alhambra | 2 |
115 | Alien Frontiers | 2 |
115 | Among the Stars | 2 |
115 | Android: Netrunner | 2 |
115 | AquaSphere | 2 |
115 | Arboretum | 2 |
115 | BattleCon: Devastation of the Indines | 2 |
115 | Betrayal at the House on the Hill | 2 |
115 | Blood Bowl | 2 |
115 | Carcassonne: Kivikausi (Hunters & Gatherers) | 2 |
115 | Chaos in the Old World | 2 |
115 | Citadels | 2 |
115 | Clash of cultures | 2 |
115 | Condottiere | 2 |
115 | Dale of Merchants | 2 |
115 | Eggs and Empires | 2 |
115 | Fairy Tale | 2 |
115 | Firefly: The Game | 2 |
115 | Flash Point: Fire Rescue | 2 |
115 | For Sale | 2 |
115 | Fresko | 2 |
115 | Glass Road | 2 |
115 | Guillotine | 2 |
115 | High Frontier | 2 |
115 | Hotelli | 2 |
115 | iKnow | 2 |
115 | Il Vecchio | 2 |
115 | Imperial 2030 | 2 |
115 | Inkan aarre | 2 |
115 | La Granja | 2 |
115 | Last Night on Earth: the Zombie Game | 2 |
115 | Le Havre | 2 |
115 | Linko! | 2 |
115 | Lord of the Rings: The Card Game | 2 |
115 | Lost Cities | 2 |
115 | Lost Legacy | 2 |
115 | Machi Koro | 2 |
115 | Mallorca | 2 |
115 | Menolippu Pohjoismaat | 2 |
115 | Modern Art | 2 |
115 | New York 1901 | 2 |
115 | Om Nom Nom | 2 |
115 | Orléans | 2 |
115 | Panamax | 2 |
115 | PitchCar | 2 |
115 | Qin | 2 |
115 | Qwixx | 2 |
115 | Railways of the World | 2 |
115 | Red November | 2 |
115 | Runewars | 2 |
115 | Saint Petersburg | 2 |
115 | Sanasota | 2 |
115 | Scrabble | 2 |
115 | Shadowrun: Crossfire | 2 |
115 | Specter Ops | 2 |
115 | Steam | 2 |
115 | Sushi Go! | 2 |
115 | Taivaan pilarit (Pillars of the Earth) | 2 |
115 | Targi | 2 |
115 | The Manhattan Project | 2 |
115 | Thunder Alley | 2 |
115 | Thurn und Taxis | 2 |
115 | Timeline | 2 |
115 | Tobago | 2 |
115 | Tsuro | 2 |
115 | Ubongo | 2 |
115 | Vasco da Gama | 2 |
115 | XCOM: The Board Game | 2 |
115 | Zombicide | 2 |
188 | 1835 | 1 |
188 | 1841: Railways in Northern Italy | 1 |
188 | 1844 | 1 |
188 | 1846: The Race for the Midwest | 1 |
188 | 1848 | 1 |
188 | 1849: The Game of Sicilian Railways | 1 |
188 | A Brief History of the World | 1 |
188 | Abraca...what? | 1 |
188 | Advanced Squad Leader | 1 |
188 | Agricola: All Creatures Big and Small | 1 |
188 | Alias | 1 |
188 | Amun-Re | 1 |
188 | AniMix | 1 |
188 | Antiquity | 1 |
188 | Archipelago | 1 |
188 | Argent: The Consortium | 1 |
188 | Asante | 1 |
188 | At the Gates of Loyang | 1 |
188 | Atlantic Storm | 1 |
188 | Augustus | 1 |
188 | Axis & Allies | 1 |
188 | Backgammon | 1 |
188 | Bananas | 1 |
188 | Bang! | 1 |
188 | Bang! The dice game | 1 |
188 | Battle Line | 1 |
188 | BattleLore | 1 |
188 | Battles of Westeros | 1 |
188 | Bezzerwizzer | 1 |
188 | Biblios | 1 |
188 | Bilekuosi | 1 |
188 | Blitz | 1 |
188 | Blokus | 1 |
188 | Brew Crafters | 1 |
188 | Bridge | 1 |
188 | Carcassonne Korttipeli | 1 |
188 | Catacombs | 1 |
188 | Chimera | 1 |
188 | Churchill | 1 |
188 | Coal Baron | 1 |
188 | Codex: Card-Time Strategy | 1 |
188 | Concordia | 1 |
188 | Conflict of Heroes | 1 |
188 | Conquest of the Empire | 1 |
188 | Crokinole | 1 |
188 | Cthulhu Gloom | 1 |
188 | CV | 1 |
188 | Day of Days | 1 |
188 | Descent: Journeys in the Dark | 1 |
188 | Deus | 1 |
188 | Dinosauruspeli | 1 |
188 | Dizios | 1 |
188 | Dominant Species | 1 |
188 | Dragon's Hoard | 1 |
188 | Duel of Ages | 1 |
188 | Dune | 1 |
188 | Dungeon Lords | 1 |
188 | Dungeon Petz | 1 |
188 | Dungeon Roll | 1 |
188 | Earth Reborn | 1 |
188 | El Gaucho | 1 |
188 | El Grande | 1 |
188 | Elfenland | 1 |
188 | Elysium | 1 |
188 | Eminent Domain: Microcosm | 1 |
188 | Enigma | 1 |
188 | Escape: The Curse of the Temple | 1 |
188 | Escape: Zombie City | 1 |
188 | Eurooppa Tietopeli | 1 |
188 | Exploding Kittens | 1 |
188 | Fief: France 1429 | 1 |
188 | Flaschenteufel | 1 |
188 | Fluxx | 1 |
188 | Fluxx Monty Python | 1 |
188 | Fluxx Pirates | 1 |
188 | For the People | 1 |
188 | Foreclosed! | 1 |
188 | Formula Dé | 1 |
188 | Fresh Fish | 1 |
188 | Friday | 1 |
188 | Ginkgopolis | 1 |
188 | Glen More | 1 |
188 | Globalissimo | 1 |
188 | Go | 1 |
188 | Greenland | 1 |
188 | Guildhall | 1 |
188 | Halli Klack | 1 |
188 | Hamsterrolle | 1 |
188 | Happy Pigs | 1 |
188 | Here I Stand | 1 |
188 | High Society | 1 |
188 | Hive | 1 |
188 | Hollywood (Dream Factory, Fabrik der Träume) | 1 |
188 | Hornet | 1 |
188 | Indonesia | 1 |
188 | Jungle Rumble | 1 |
188 | Kadonnut kaupunki | 1 |
188 | Keltis | 1 |
188 | Kemet | 1 |
188 | Kill Doctor Lucky | 1 |
188 | Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot | 1 |
188 | King of Siam | 1 |
188 | King's Blood | 1 |
188 | Klask | 1 |
188 | Krosmaster: Arena | 1 |
188 | La Cucaracha | 1 |
188 | Land Unter | 1 |
188 | Las Vegas | 1 |
188 | Last Panther (Mü & Mehr) | 1 |
188 | Legacy: The Testament of Duke de Crecy | 1 |
188 | London | 1 |
188 | Loony Quest | 1 |
188 | Lords of Xidit | 1 |
188 | Love Letter: The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies | 1 |
188 | Luna | 1 |
188 | Macao | 1 |
188 | Mad Zeppelin | 1 |
188 | Maharaja | 1 |
188 | Maria | 1 |
188 | Marrakech | 1 |
188 | Marvel Dice Masters | 1 |
188 | Mascarade | 1 |
188 | Metro | 1 |
188 | Middle-Earth Quest | 1 |
188 | Monopoly Deal | 1 |
188 | Mucca Pazza | 1 |
188 | Muuttuva Labyrintti | 1 |
188 | Mysterium | 1 |
188 | Napoleon's Triumph | 1 |
188 | Napoleonic Wars | 1 |
188 | Navegador | 1 |
188 | No Retreat! The Russian Front | 1 |
188 | No Thanks! | 1 |
188 | Nuns On The Run | 1 |
188 | One Zero One | 1 |
188 | Onirim | 1 |
188 | Orcs Orcs Orcs | 1 |
188 | Oregon | 1 |
188 | Paalupaikka | 1 |
188 | Palaces of Carrara | 1 |
188 | Pandanté | 1 |
188 | Paris Connection | 1 |
188 | Pikku Prinssi: Tee minulle planeetta | 1 |
188 | Princes of Florence | 1 |
188 | Professor Crocodile's Safari School | 1 |
188 | Progress: Evolution of Technology | 1 |
188 | Prosperity | 1 |
188 | Ra | 1 |
188 | Rancho | 1 |
188 | Rappakalja | 1 |
188 | Rattus | 1 |
188 | Revolution: The Dutch Revolt 1568-1648 | 1 |
188 | Roll Through the Ages: The Iron Age | 1 |
188 | Room 25 | 1 |
188 | Rummikub | 1 |
188 | Runebound (2nd ed.) | 1 |
188 | Russian Railroads | 1 |
188 | Samurai Spirit | 1 |
188 | Samurai Sword | 1 |
188 | Schweinebammel | 1 |
188 | Sekigahara: The Unification of Japan | 1 |
188 | Sentinels of the Multiverse | 1 |
188 | Shadows of Brimstone | 1 |
188 | Shadows of Brimstone: Swamps of Death | 1 |
188 | Shakki | 1 |
188 | Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game | 1 |
188 | Skull | 1 |
188 | Small World: Underground | 1 |
188 | Smash Up | 1 |
188 | Snow Tails | 1 |
188 | Space Hulk | 1 |
188 | Start Player | 1 |
188 | Steam Park | 1 |
188 | Steampunk Rally | 1 |
188 | Storm Over Dien Bien Phu | 1 |
188 | StreetSoccer | 1 |
188 | Strike of the Eagle | 1 |
188 | Suomi Filmi Elokuvatietopeli | 1 |
188 | Super Farmari | 1 |
188 | Sword of Rome | 1 |
188 | Takenoko | 1 |
188 | Tales of the Arabian Nights | 1 |
188 | Taluva | 1 |
188 | Tanto Cuore | 1 |
188 | Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends | 1 |
188 | The Great Dalmuti | 1 |
188 | The Great Zimbabwe | 1 |
188 | The Guns of Gettysburg | 1 |
188 | The Hunters: German U-Boats at War 1939-43 | 1 |
188 | The Magic Tower | 1 |
188 | The Witcher Adventure Game | 1 |
188 | Three Kingdoms Redux | 1 |
188 | Thunderstone | 1 |
188 | Tigris & Euphrates | 1 |
188 | Toc Toc Woodman | 1 |
188 | Top Race | 1 |
188 | Toscana | 1 |
188 | Trains | 1 |
188 | Tribune | 1 |
188 | Tricoda | 1 |
188 | Trivial Pursuit Globetrotter | 1 |
188 | Troyes | 1 |
188 | Tyynysota | 1 |
188 | Urbion | 1 |
188 | Vegas Showdown | 1 |
188 | Viceroy | 1 |
188 | Viticulture | 1 |
188 | Warhammer: Invasion | 1 |
188 | Warrior Knights | 1 |
188 | Werewolf (Mafia, Lupus in Tabula) | 1 |
188 | World of Tanks: Rush | 1 |
188 | Würfel Bohnanza | 1 |
188 | Xia: Legends of a Drift System | 1 |
188 | Yardmaster Express | 1 |
188 | Yomi | 1 |
188 | Yspahan | 1 |
188 | Zapp Zerapp | 1 |
188 | Zombie Dice | 1 |